People have found the Maps that have made the cut for the V6 maps so far on KC's file share. The foundry maps that have made it SO FAR are Onslaught, Amp, and Lockdown. But there are 10 maps and most maps will have more than one type so anything can still be removed. Here is a Link to the maps Here are the maps and Changes (from a post from Killa KC at
Sounds good, I guess. I like how there is more. Can anyone explain to me what happens exactly with drop spawn and dirtying the timer?
Wow very nice find. It's good to know that Lockdown made it to the list but I still don't like Blackout for MLG.
Drop spawning technique is used for the Rockets and Sniper (I'm pretty sure it doesn't work for the Mauler, I don't know why they did that for Guardian) to ensure that the timer works the way it should. You can read up about it more here and here.
I played Ball on it. Bad spawning and OS respawning waaayyyyy to much. Also played Isolation, it was decent. Although I dont think it should be in MLG. It was very hard to find call outs which are VITAL in any MLG map.
I honestly don't like any of the new maps, I think it's all fine as it is. Amp could potentially be replaced by something else, but that's it, everything else works fine.
i agree with Novak and Xanon, though it is nice to see different things in Mulge, Iso isn't too enjoyable in slayer, haven't got a hill game in yet though. The construct custom is awesome and makes Cstruct Slayer alot better. New Pit rocks. Cold Storage just doesn't play like H1. Blackout and Lockdown are quite fun and i'm happy we have 2 more potentially new odball maps, so MLG can switch to a 4 slayer, 3 flag, 2 hill, 2 ball setup. The less predictable Onslaught spawns are bitter-sweet and I haven't noticed much different with guardian although spawns are probably better.
I also forgot to mention how much potential Lockdown has. It was a fresh map that I really liked and one of the best foundry mlg maps besides,Amp and Onslaught. Although I just wish that it didnt have Amplified spawns, meaning that players spwan randomly. It really doesnt encourage teams having good set ups. Now what makes Onslaught great are the rather predictable spawns. It encourages that key payers take key post to handle. But Amplified is rather sloppy. Teams cant really have a good set ups on it.
I agree about Lockdown, I hate the spawns and it makes me hate the map. If you don't have good teammates, you suffer because of it.
wow a lot of maps, i haven't played any of the newer versions but i'm sure they play fine, i will download these maps asap. i am liking the sound of custom on construct, i think it will bring a new aspect to the game.