Foundry MLG Synchronize v4.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by ZaTaisho, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. ZaTaisho

    ZaTaisho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name:
    MLG Synchronize v4.2

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:
    4-8 players

    Supported Gametypes:
    MLG CTF v6, MLG King v6, MLG TS v6, MLG Ball v6




    MLG Synchronize is a small symmetrical map that composes an open center arena, and a gigantic base. There are a lot of jumping in this map, and various ways on getting specific destinations for easy access. This map is a bit open, but while testing the map with several testers, we all agree that the map and the balance is pretty smooth. This map redefines the word "Teamwork" for a reason, with it's open spaces and easy paths, it will take a whole lot of teamwork to bring other players down.

    NOTE: This is my very first MLG map that I have been trying to make for over halve a year, but ever since I figured out how to Ghost Merge (Auto Merge is what I like to call it), I was able to start from scratch and create this in about 2 weeks. It didn't come as I planned, but I sure did make a kick-ass map. (Well that's what everyone says)

    Players do say that the map looks a little like Onslaught and Amplified, and that's because I took the ideas of Onslaught, Amplified, and LockDown for Synchronize. Synchronize is like combining, so that's what I did, I made parts of all MLG Foundry maps and added parts for Synchronize itself.

    Here are the pics, and hope you enjoy the map!


    Red Base

    Blue Base

    Red Base (Front)

    Blue Base (Front)



    Yellow (Side View)

    Yellow (Side View)

    Action Pics:


    The Battlefield

    Recon...what do you expect?

    Recon vs Recon

    Double Double

    It's all about Teamwork

    Who cares if we

    Well that's my map, hope you all enjoy it.​

    TIP: The only way to get to top mid (rockets) is to go on Red/Blue base, and jump up on the camo/overshield platform.

    I would like to thank all players who help me test my map, and special thanks to ShadowVanish666 for helping me fix and complete my map.

    Here's me!

    This map is supported with all MLG Gametypes

    Click here for MLG Gametypes
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Most of it is outstanding, but the floor in the middle is way too open. There's not enough cover, which means gameplay is too focused on the bases and the sides of the map. In Onslaught, there is a much more extensive middle structure and some cover near A and B sides.
  3. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finaly! Another "2-Bases-2-Towers-and-some-cover-map", i've never seen this before! Yeah i know, you said you were inspired by other mlg foundry maps, but thats pretty weak, if you take the looks of A, the gameplay of B and add come C, you dont get D, you just get a weaker version of B. Everything ive seen on your map has been done before.
    Dont get me wrong, im not saying its a bad map (exept for the middle ... wait, wheres your middle, i just see a big empty space ...), its nicly forged, but its just boring, there are millions of opportunities, but you choose the one that has been chosen a thousand times before =( but im definitely looking forward to your next map.

    (Why is there a rockets? can you take it? if yes, delete it, if no, delete it too)
  4. Halacar

    Halacar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^ I agree. It look well forged, but I've seen it all before. And from the game play pics, it doesn't look like MLG to me (besides the BRs).

    As far as power weapons go, you HAVE TO put the rockets on a drop spawn, 2 clips and 3 minutes spawn. Nothing else is going to fly.
  5. Dow

    Dow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off, who made you the official MLG map inspector? This map screams MLG, and even though it is very generic, this layout has been proven to work time and time again.

    Also, find me the page in the "what flys" book that says you can't customize how rockets spawn. You seem to know what you are talking about.

    As for the map, I agree with i5m KS LD. It is very unoriginal, and I can't see any form of innovation, or a reason to download this map instead of just using onslaught or amplified.
  6. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah, im pretty sure this is just an edited amplified, rather than starting from scratch? but whatever,

    i like the main bases, rockets seems stupid, just delete it, they wont add to the gameplay at all. none of the other MLG foundry maps have them...

    yellow base looks nice, can you jump on top of it? i vote u should be able to.

    i really dont like the rest of the map. the middle? really? did you just get bored? c'mon man, ur better than that.

    purple 'maze' or whatever, (in front of purple tower) looks stupid and pointless.

    and that fence wall on P2, why is it not level? can you jump on to it from mid somewhere? i dont get it... you say ur map has loads of jumps but don't explain them...

    if its any consolation, i think your forging skills are pretty tight.
  7. ZaTaisho

    ZaTaisho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes there is a way to get to rockets if you only read the description. The map plays very smooth and plays a lot different than Onslaught and Amplified (I'm pretty sure). Please give it a try, and please test the map before posting really unessessary comments. Don't just judge a map by it's cover, the gameplay is all that matters. So far everyone who has played this map likes it, I haven't met a player who hates this yet (Except my friend, just being an ass).

    There are many complaints I see... Play them and you'll see, all of you really need to stop being asses and actually give a map a try, I mean seriously, it's pathetic. I don't really care if the map looks ugly or not, if it plays well, then that's great for me.

    By the way, it's not that I couldn't do better, it's just I have no more money to actually make more. I told you all in my description that it didn't come out as I planned, but it works fine.
    #7 ZaTaisho, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You did not answer ONeill117's statement yet. Did you or did you not edit the original Amplified? Because it seems as if you did.

    I agree with everyone here, if you are too make an MLG two-base map, then you're going to have to work much harder compared to making other types since this particular type has been used over and over again.
  9. Ambien Man

    Ambien Man Ancient
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    This map is very well forged and the pics give me a great idea of how this map will play out. However I think this takes to much from onslaught and amplified. I really don't see any difference besides the fact that there is no central structure you can get on. The floor looks very open and I feel like in a serious game player would very rarely move off the perimeters. At this point in the Halo 3 forge world the "red and blue base start with to side bases" layout is getting pretty stale. You have great skill as a forger, your bases are flawless and perfectly interlocked and merged. You could easily have a featured map with your skill. I just don't see this map getting many downloads. If you really apply yourself to making a fresh, creative map, you would have my download for sure. I look forward to seeing more maps from you in the future.

    this is kind of a hostile quote for this site. The point of this site is so that you can hear people's honest opinions about your map. If you don't think a certain comment applies to your map than you don't have to listen but keep in mind you posted this because you wanted feedback its not your job to tell people that they are wrong.
  10. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Don't want to sound negative but your map looks like you started with amplified, and then changed things. Not necessarily saying you stol, I know you said that its inspired. Just mentioning. I really think you should try something more creative. Its the same old same old. Nobody will really be too impressed with it, just saying again bro. sry if I hurt your feelings, lol
  11. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
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    I like this map but the unfortunate part about making a MLG Foundry map that everyone has already said is that it looks unoriginal. People have been making MLG maps for a long time now and nothing is orginal anymore. Which is the main reason why I dont Forge or do much anymore that has to do with Forge anymore. The aesthetic parts of the map look all to familiar as if it is a mix of all the best aspects of all the best MLG maps but the gameplay is all its own. Aesthetics and Gameplay are to different things.

    You come up witha more orginal idea if you think he did a bad job.
  12. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good map but it looks like amplified dude Its is amplified but your version ??? Lol !!!!
  13. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello there old friend.

    [Huge Unnecessary Response]

    Yes it's me. Spr....I mean doognit. Now... I'm glad to see you've jumped onto the pro-forging boat. Although you might not be the best of the best, I can see huge growth in skill from what I remember...unless I'm remembering someone else... anyway great job on the map.

    Onto the bad news. Although your map has only been inspired by Onslaught and Amplified (Yea you wish I'd just say 5/5...) this does look a bit too much like the two for my taste. Yes yes, gameplay > aesthetics, but there's a few things to keep in mind about that statement.

    A. That doesn't mean aesthetics don't matter. The two mentioned qualities (Aesthetics and Game Play) are, in my opinion, not over one another anyway. You should consider both factors to your map while forging. No one wants to play on a crappy map that looks good and no one wants to play on a great map that looks like crap. So don't be qualitist (Prejudice against certain qulaities).

    B. The aesthetics aren't the problem. The map looks great. I think everyone knows that. The problem is that it's too close to a couple very popular maps that everyone has played on. That is originality; which is just as important as the other two qualities.

    C. Most people that reply to maps on Forge Hub look at the screen shots and rate the map based upon what they see. I must shamefully admit I've done the same to certain maps as well, but in my defense, some maps you can seriously just know. And I'm talkin' about the ones with the CASTLE ARENA title with the big ass base with all the weapons and vehicles facing a zombie with a sword behind a shield door.* But this isn't that. This is a good map deserving at least a download. At least. BUT - and notice the size of that but (Hah.) - There are some people who just can't contemplate the possibility of a map being more than what meets the eye. Like Transformers. But without the transformation part. Those people make up over 80% of ForgeHub. Where did I get that estimate you ask? Mongolia. Where in Mongolia? Well that's top secret. Ask Jesus he knows everything.

    In conclusion, realize** those who judge an entire map's quality based by screen shots shouldn't even be paid any attention to. However, remember - if you want your map to be praised on this site, aesthetics, originality, and game play all share the same importance. There are much more qualities that matter in my eyes, but those don't matter when approaching Forge Hub. (Usually)

    * = If your map title is CASTLE ARENA, I apologize. Unless it's exactly how I described. Then that's just hilarious. But seriously though your map is obsolete. Sorry. That doesn't mean you don't have potential as a forger. Just means you gotta keep going and learning. Mmk? k.

    ** = If you're in a different country where it's spelled differently, I apologize. Instead of reading realize, just pretend there's a letter "s" there instead of z. Ok? K good.

    [/Huge Unnecessary Response]


    Woah did you
    see that? I just died for a second dude. Good thing I have a fast respawn...

    [/Terrible Joke]

    EDIT: Oh yea and I downloaded it to give it an actual rating. I will try and get a few people together and give it a couple games. We'll see what happens. Back soon with more twitter.

    EDIT: Ok played it. Exactly what I expected. Very similar gameplay to the two MLG maps (Onslaught more than Amplified), except the rockets. Which added originality. However at the same time it took away balance. Anyone who controlled those rockets pretty much won either the flag cap, or the out slay. If you switched it to a mauler and made it more accessible, it might work out much better. Of course, that would only make it like amplified/onslaught more....I suggest thinking of a new idea and leaving this one as is. Good luck with your future maps!
    #13 Doog Nit, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  14. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That is what i wanna say but in much longer ! So i will test it with my friends today and i will said what i think of your map !
  15. Vergil

    Vergil Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's awesome. I mean really, great map. I'll play some customs and leave some real feedback later.

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