MLG Royalty

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Black C4t, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    MLG Royalty is a map with great standards such as each team starts off at their own thrown and they are battling it out to see which king is the most victorious. No this is not a casual or mini game map... That is just the style the map was created.Wel start off with the picture of the blue throne.[​IMG]
    As you can see there is a blue camo merged with the box to state its presence.WARNING:Do NOT try to pick it up you will just waste your time and be killed... Same for the other powerups throughout this map.
    [​IMG] That is the red throne. As you can see it is the exact similarity except for the color of the power ups.[​IMG] Here is an angled look of my map. As you can see it has a clock tower just like in warsaw and most of the weapons are floating. Here is a closer look at the clock tower / Mid base.
    [​IMG] It has a floating carbine followed by a battle rifle at the other side. It has a yellow powerup which represents it position in the map . In other words it is a good place to shoot your opponents.[​IMG] This is where the mauler spawns in my map as you can see you have to crouch to pick it up ... No worries though !! You are fully preotected from all sides but the way you entered. I suggest staying there if you are either pinned down or low on shields.And That is the only crouch space in the map because i got tired of the comments on warsaw saying it had too many crouch spaces.No offense to any of you either..[​IMG] The side look is probably the best spot to be in on the map there ae two of them per throne and you pretty much have an over view of the map itself.Its a ood place to go to if your teamates are having trouble and you dont want to die trying to help.[​IMG] This is the side passage mainly used for sneaking around the enemy.This is helpful if you need to get to the other side without being seen.Also! .. There is a floating battle rifle Used to pick up ammo if needed.IF YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD MY MAP CLICK HERE

    Also Heres some action pics:[​IMG]
    I Never bothered to count the brs and grenades but i have
    Battle Rifles - set to reg. spawn
    2 carbines - reg. spawn ,
    3 maulers- reg spawn.
    and plasma and frag grenades...
  2. Skirym

    Skirym Ancient
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    Pretty good! Its a bit to open though. Nice Mauler spawn also =D
  3. MLG Ninja

    MLG Ninja Ancient

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    Looks Ausome. But there is 1 thing I think is wrong. It's to Open. But it's original/Great! 4/5
  4. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Nice Structures

    You have some nice structures in this map, but there is a lot of dead space. This has great potential but it looks unfinished. Did you use the whole budget?
  5. zoner117

    zoner117 Ancient
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    This map looks so amazing! After glancing at it, I almost DIED.

    5/5 I WILL download it ASAP!!! I like the bases too, they look professional.

    OMG 6/5

    A little empty though... :(
  6. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a really nice idea it looks like a really good MLG map but i would add more cover in the map
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    it needs to b a little less open otherwse it looks pretty good.
  8. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    Thanks for the rating atleast the only problem is the space i can fix that in a seconds worth of time :)
  9. Skirym

    Skirym Ancient
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    If you ran out of money, try using the Infinite money glitch.

    And you should definatly make a V2.
  10. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    i won't say anything about the cover because that's all anyone has said so far.
    the side areas remind me of a map called longest yard, which is to say it look really good. i also must like the one crouching space in the map, because it gives you the ability to gather shields, and is hard to camp with because everyone can see you and avoid you, so good job. 4/5
  11. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    only a few things i have to say about this,
    1) i like the feel of the map, however it is way to open, when you tested it did you ever find it hard to get into cover?
    2) I like the structure around the mauler spawn, but with those shield doors and the mauler, basically anyone who goes in there will die with a shot melee.
    3) overall your structures are beautifull, but just add some cover in those bare spots

    once you have gotten all of that down, i think you will find that you have a much higher quality map on your hands
    great job!

    EDIT: i didnt notice that the shield doors did not cover all sides, sorry, i now give you a 4.5/5, just fix up that cover!
    #11 InferiorPigeon, Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
  12. Xicemike

    Xicemike Ancient
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    nicely Interlocked, i could never build a map like that. Good For VIP. defiantly Downloadin
  13. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    looks really well forged, but i think it might be a little too open, mauler spawn is cool
  14. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Don't get me wrong, this map has got potential to be great but there are a few things to think about. Firstly and mainly, the openness. You need to add loads more cover to this map, maybe even two mini structures as it is too open. Gameplay will get boring otherwise. I think the interlocking could be better in a few places but it's definatley not bad.

    Good points are that each base is well made, the middle structures are nice and the wall boundry is well made.
  15. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    ok. well i myself have never made an MLG map, but i believe i know how one should be made. The first thing that stood out to me is how open it is. think about Onslaught and Amplified. they have little wide open space for long range battles on the ground level. so maybe adding a couple walkways/ structures in those open spots can help you get rid of all that open area. secondly, the shield doors. i'll admit it, they look pretty cool the way you used them. but shield doors are a no-no in MLG. as you may or may not know, shield doors lead to camping. take snowbound for instance. if you have the shotgun right in front of the shield door, there's no way anybody is going to be able to go through the shield door. they can't chuck a grenade at you or anything to weaken you before they can shoot you. so, shield doors, gone.

    Now, I really do like the weapons you have on the map and how you placed them. except for the plasmas. i dont like how you placed them right next to the mauler. you get the mauler and the plasma grenades together, your the most powerful person at close range in the game. but also reconsidering all the open space.... the mauler really isnt powerful at all and the BRs/Carbines absolutely overpower the map. This is again why you need to add some walkways or structures.

    Now lastly, a compliment! =D i absolutele love those structures you have off to the side. the side looks i think you called them? again, with the open space that spot is very over powering. but if you didnt have the open space, that spot would be a good, safe spawn area and a good place to watch over in CTF games. it is also pretty unique as i haven't seen it in any MLG maps ever.

    I hope I help you make this map better! it really does have some potential.
  16. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    VERY clean and nice interlocking. the gameplay on this map is fantastic!!!!! i love there is plenty of cover and weps. nice bases. 5/5
  17. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Yes it's too open. Make a V2 with some more cover and then test it with your friends. Okay?
  18. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    well great map overall i like it alot, but it needs a bit more cover a v2 would be good, w/ cover 5/5 without cover 4.5/5 great job i look forward to seeing ur posts agin
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    One requirement for MLG maps in circuit is that they do not use the money glitch.

    As for your map, I don't think that using a certain weapon set and powerups as base indicators should automatically qualify for a MLG prefix. The map itself looks interesting, but using gimmicky things like thrones as bases and shield doors, while very cool looking and interesting, won't get this map a second look over at the MLG forums.

    Strictly going by the pictures, the lines of sight are huge and way too open. I'd heed some of the previous comments and rework your base idea to add a bit more cover yet keep the 'three ways in/three ways out' concept that the MLG folks like to see.

    I'm making these comments only because you've chosen to attach the MLG prefix to your map. Honestly, I can simply judge by your screenshots that it isn't up to MLG standards. Apart from that, it looks like a good competitive map that could offer some unique gameplay. I'll give it a DL and come back with some more comments perhaps tomorrow.
  20. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    way too open
    some open space is good, but this is way too much
    how did you go about using all the budget with so much open space left?
    The structures you have look really nice, but as a whole it's not much of a balanced/playable map especially for MLG. its just too open

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