Foundry MLG Requiem v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Insane54, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    MLG Requiem v3
    By Insane54 and Sir Toppum Hat1

    Click the images below to download the map and gametypes.




    MLG Requiem is a symmetrical map designed for MLG gameplay.
    Design, spawns, weapons, and tweaks: Insane54
    Map geometry: Sir Toppum Hat1

    Requiem as it stands today has been a long time in the making, the result of countless hours spent rigorously testing the map's performance in all gametypes, tweaking and rebuilding alike and ironing out the creases as things moved along. Don't let the v3 tagline fool you, it denotes this version's nature as the third major incarnation of Requiem, each of which has seen a degree of dedication normally credited to a whole project.

    The map's core design premise as an MLG Team King map is happily mirrored in the literal central feature of the hill, replacing the standard MLG Foundry centerpiece with something altogether more creative. With a weapon compliment including a Custom Powerup and two Sniper Rifles, Requiem accommodates both perfectly through an open feel to the design and the full use of the Foundry floorspace, another departure from MLG Foundry conventions. This allows for the innovative yet unobtrusive implementation of side-to-side teleporters in the map, creating further movement and set up possibilities and increasing the rewards for those who know their environment.

    The weapons placed on Requiem are as follows:


    Name - Quantity on Map - Respawn Time - Extra Clips (if applicable)

    BR55HB SR Battle Rifle - 9 - 10 - 2
    Type-51 Carbine - 4 - 60 - 2
    Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel - 2 - 150 - 1
    Jiralhanae Type-52 Mauler Pistol - 1 - 150 - 0
    M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade - 2 - 30
    Type-1 Antipersonnel Sticky Grenade - 4 - 30
    Custom Powerup - 1 - 120

    YouTube - MLG Requiem v3 Teaser :: Released on October 18th!
    Video by AmercanPsycho. Go subscribe to his YouTube for more awesome!











    #1 Insane54, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2009
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    This is a great computer wallpaper image :)


















  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Requiem started as one of those "BLAM! INSPIRATION!" things where an idea suddenly hits you randomly. For me, it happened in the middle of math class. It was an idea that merged MLG with a hill, played in Foundry, and played the often-negelected (but personally one of my favorites), MLG King. In designing this, I thought of MLG Construct, which is a great Hill map (if you notice, the styles of the hills and ways to access them are very similar to Construct's), and wanted to make something similar. With Requiem, though, we could have some new ideas and setups, and with a hill that offers some completely new tactics, particularly for objective and support players, and thought that would be awesome to play on, and designed it (mainly through lines of sight) to work like that. The teleporters that allow you to flank from behind, pipes, corners, and lines of sight between base and hill are among some of the things I feel are the greatest features that would make this work perfect for Hill. So, I drew up a basic design, flow layout, line of sight work...and then my teacher took it away (is that even legal?) once he realized I'd been working on it for the last hour. Anyway, when I got home I thought it'd be cool to merge that with Terminal, from Halo 2. After quickly throwing it down without really designing it, I came up with a really hasty first physical sketch of Requiem (I still have this paper, by the way):

    Yeah, it sucked design wise, but it brought up lots of ideas in my mind, which eventually came to the Requiem v1 design back in January '09, after going on a quest to learn proper map design. Since then I've come much farther to a point where I feel comfortable teaching others, but regardless...then it was a decent design. The problem at that point was finding someone to build this thing with practically impossible merges. I asked some of the more famous forgers on ForgeHub...nobody could do the merges in the back (they go through the stairs, the back fence area, into the white room, through the pipes, and into the ground slightly, all at the same time). I can't recall exactly how I came into contact with him, but Sir Toppum Hat said "I can do that!" and, though I was obviously quite skeptical at the time I was pretty desperate so I let him give it a shot...and it was more or less perfect. Thus started the collaboration, I'd mainly do the gameplay/design, and Toppum could build...well, anything I wanted, which is really all you need. The map itself's gone through lots of map geometry changes and merges that I have no idea how Toppum does so efficiently and cleanly without using ghost merging (I believe there is no ghost merging on Requiem, at all). After a pretty good reception on Requiem v1, and even better with the major improvements on v2, I looked at the map carefully, piece by piece, and redid the whole design, and came out with a few essential changes. Mainly, making the hills flow better from the long sides was important, and the removal of the double walls there made it a much better option. Lowering the whole OS area, adding the double walls interlocked with the corner walls allowed for better setups and spawns, and so on with all the changes. As with any map, I do feel like Requiem can still be perfected even more, theoretically. But I feel like me and Toppum have done the best possible job with major changes. Maybe there might be a v4 in the future, who knows? But I really love the way this map plays and I think any future changes will be minor.

    I feel like MLG KOTH is really neglected, and this map is my try at making it more fun to play. I'm not going for MLG circuit play or anything (though I'd love to have it!), but I'd just like people to play and enjoy this objective game. There's only one Hill map in the Circuit, and I feel like it's one of the best objectives in Halo, and probably my favorite in MLG. All I'm saying is, let's try to make it important again.

    Click the images below to download the map and gametypes.


    There's a whole lot of people to thank about this map. I most certainly could not have done this by myself, this map is pretty much totally thanks to all these people. Normally, I'd go right into my list of thanks, but I just need to say before: Sir Toppum Hat1, thanks for making this map work in the first place. You're really great...scratch that, awesome, at Forge, understand what I want done, and capable of doing it perfectly and quickly. To be honest, you probably have the best Forging technique I've ever seen. If you'll have me, I'm up for making another map with you. Again.

    Fritzster, thanks for looking at the map and advising with the design, and helping out as the map progressed.

    Xanon/Shanon, thanks for help in general. Your MLG expertise has helped a lot, you tested a ton, being LOLN #3, and came up with the name. There are some things that money can buy, wasting the sniper in Xanon's face…priceless.

    Halcylon, thanks for the super pro looking Photoshop jobs. Mr Smiley, for the screenshots. AmercanPsycho, thanks for doing the video and being the 4th member of Str8 LOLN. Matty, looking over the map and making some suggestions, and helping for the write up. Quiganomenometry (Orangeremi), for helping on the MLG side of things, and being the 5th member of Str8 LOLN. Roche178, Mini Waz, and RageGummy, for having the best accents ever (Roche is LOLN #2 as well)! T7 DARIU5, for being generally awesome.

    Pretty much everyone on my friends list that I haven't mentioned yet - particularly those that were in for the pictures.

    Thanks to the Testers Guild and practically all my friends for testing.
  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Holy huge post.

    You finally released it. This has got to be my favorite two-base MLG map ever. I love how you and toppumhat took the basic two-base MLG design and made it completely original.

    Playing on this map was the most fun I've had on any MLG map besides Chromatic. TS, King, and CTF all play wonderfully... especially King. I love how much you have to use teamwork to be able to control the hills and be on your toes for the two side hills because of the teleporters.

    Great job on this map Insane and SirToppumHat. I'm going to the "Want to See a Map Featured?" thread right now.
  5. OMFG Im Booth

    OMFG Im Booth Ancient
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    This map is flawless, personally i like hill, but CTF is just as perfect. The telporter idea has even made it's way into my newest map (but don't worry i didn't COMPLETELY copy you :p)

    Thanks for the map
  6. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    It was really fun playing on this yesterday. I was like "Wow these little changes make this map so much better". Great design and great improvements. Definitely a download.

  7. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    OMG way too many pictures. It just took my browser like 5 minutes to stop resizing itself, and I have high speed internet. Anyways, I'm glad to see you've finally posted it, and hopefully I can get some games on it tonight.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This is truly a great map. Gameplay on v1 of this was great, same with v2, so i cant wait to play this one. I think my favorite thing about the map is the centerpiece, how could you do that without ghost merging :/.
    #8 Xang, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  9. stoyben

    stoyben Forerunner
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    I remember testing this with you guys plays awesome 5/5 for me. this will get a feature fo-sho, if not you atleast deserve a cookie! hope you get Premium toppum.
  10. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    Wow, and I thought the V2 was amazing.

    I just love the geometry changes, especially the ramp up the the bases, I would always have to try twice to get the jump with the dumpster. I dont think that lowering the OV structure was necessary, but its fine iMO.

    I Think that MLG should adopt this as a second King map, sometimes I just get tired of Construct.

    Great Job. (and I mean REALLY REALLY FRIKING AMAZING OMG job)
  11. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    These maps make me wish I played MLG. I'm more the laid back social slayer style player, but this map seems to be awesome enough to give it a try... if my Xbox wasn't being repaired X(. Anyway, have fun playing guys!
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Admin receives instant posts for his map. THE INSANITY! (No pun intended o_O)

    Yeah I remember when I randomly joined you once and you were playing on this. You booted me. This was when it was version 1 I think. I like how you have kept the style the same but make it look even better. I like how youve fixed the openess of the older map :)

    Good work.
  13. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    This map is best played on what it was intended for, MLG hill. For that it's incredibly competitive and fun. As for the other gametypes, well, it plays them but not in an ultra competitive-mlg style. Although flag is pretty good.

    Hill 8.5/10
    Flag 7/10
    Overall 8/10
  14. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    Wow, I don't think you 2 could make it any better, but you did. I still love the middle structure the most, that is a true feat because you did it before ghost merging. I can hardly wait to play this today! Awesome Job none the less. - 10/10
  15. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Love all the gametypes recommended for it.
    Although, I'm more of flag guy....personally.

    The map, it's awesome.

    The changes were not very "minute" but they weren't entirely huge.
    Although, they did influence the gameplay largely, specifically the spawns.
    I like these ones the best out of the other V3 variants. I enjoyed testing this map, which is very rare for me.....I typically hate the maps being tested. This one was different due to the immense amount of effort, by the map makers , put into design and gameplay.

    This needs to be featured.
    Toppum is one of the greatest forgers on this site.
    Insane is insane.
  16. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Spawns were better in V2, 3.14/8 will Download whenever kthx.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    4v4v4 snipperz? what the hell were we thinking?, doesn't help that the majority (come to think of it all) of the tgif preview was super-duper laggy.
    on a side note, holy extremely giant post insane54 man!
    one last thing that has nothing to do with the map, what a great choice for your over 9000th game.
    i haven't played v1, so i thought that v2 was great, but this is the ****. thats all i have, that and you have waaaay to many pics lol.
  18. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    As I promised... *begin long post*

    [FONT=&quot]I've played Requiem so much now, it feels like a default MLG map to me. The enjoyment factor has been high every time and the mix of aesthetics, gameplay, and design have contributed highly to that. It's been hard to get 8 players of equal skill because Forgehub doesn't have too many competitive MLG players that we know, but in tests, I felt that if the teams were perfectly matched, Requiem would be able to play to it's full potential. There are no awkward slow or fast spots in gameplay either. The map makes a smoother transition than most maps. There have been some issues in Flag that I've noticed (running the flag for one), but these are avoidable if you know what to look for.
    I've always felt that Gold was slightly underpowered related to Purple. A player on Purple will have the height advantage roughly 90% of the time. Also, the sniper spawns by Purple (White and Orange I think) so that gives the Purple side more of an advantage than the Gold side. I found that Gold is used more around the "odd times" when Custom is about to spawn or has just spawned. Most of the fighting is around the Purple side of the map and Top Mid, rather than Gold side. It may seem as though I exaggerated those last few sentences quite a bit, but I made my point. Gold is still used, but not as much as Purple side. Purple has much more to it.

    Requiem is unbreakable. Simple as that. Sometimes while in Forge with you, I found elaborate escape methods that included slide jumping from Top Bungalo to Gold, but I'm almost positive that was fixed up in v3, but if not, it doesn't matter. You can't even get to Top Bungalo without having shots fired at you. As far as I'm concerned, Requiem is unbreakable. Also, (enter Insane/Amercan Skype discussion here) breaking the map is against the rules of MLG and will get you disqualified from tournaments and booted from customs.

    For an MLG map, Requiem goes above and beyond what is expected. Not only that, but all the aesthetics contribute to the overall gameplay. The Bungalo is the most aesthetically pleasing structure I've ever seen and it's the main part of the map. Gameplay is centered around the Bungalo. Toppum did an excellent job forging and it really shows off in the end. In objective games (Flag and Hill), Bungalo is used more than ever. It's slanted ramps are used for running the flag top mid, a favorite of Rochey :p and it serves as the 1,3,5,7, etc hill.

    Originality: Requiem has really broken the mold for MLG maps. Insane strayed away from the usual base to base fighting on Foundry and explored a new realm of design. The four base layout with the back sniper areas and Bungalo (Mid) playing a huge role in set-ups and gameplay. I remember one test in particular in which one team was able to get an amazing set-up with out even knowing it. One player gather hill time in the main hill, one play stood Top Bungalo and the last two players set-up Gold side of the bases. They were able to control spawns and get a full minute and a half of hill time before it moved.
    This design has some features from the two or four base layouts of Amp and Ons, but brings more to the table with snipers and custom.

    Foundry spawns are very tricky and Insane got them as close as you can without them being perfect. Most people complain if they get shot off the spawn, but that's still very rare and is normal for MLG. MLG is about controlling spawns and keeping the other team in a difficult position to recover. I only had one spawn kill yesterday in about 3-4 games of testing and that's really good considering this map is on Foundry and Insane had limited space to work with. These spawns beat Ons spawns any day.

    Still, I think Gold spawns could be weighted a little more and maybe that would fix up some of the Balance issues I've noticed. I have never spawn killed anyone at Gold, only at Purple snipe spawns.

    Overall Score:
    (perty gud kep farging lol)

    ~Amercan IZ LOLN


    I've had a lot of fun testing Requiem every time you put it up and I don't see any maps more deserving of a feature right now. Toppum should be a premium.
    #18 Psycho, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I don't think you showed enough pictures of me getting my ass handed to me...

    every other pic was me getting beat down lol.. story of my Halo career.

    Anyway, its a rare thing to see such dedication to a map post initial release, and its refreshing. I really like the changes I've seen as this thing has progressed through the different iterations, and I know that I didn't even see all of them. Very balanced map.

    Nice work, gentlemen.
  20. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    **** thats a lot of pics. Anyways, I remember testing this over and over and over again with yalls (and before I forget, thanks for showing my ass-kicking moments in the pics, lol)

    Anyways, in a comparison to the other versions, v3 is a lot better in terms of map flow. I remember on the first Requim you had to jump to get to many places, now you harly ever half to jump. The gameplay on v3 has also improved ten-fold, flag especially.

    This is the first MLG map I actually enjoyed playing. (Considering I hate MLG and I suck at it) So, Ima give yo map a 5/5 cause its so great.


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