MLG Requiem v3 - Insane54 and Sir Toppum Hat

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Insane54, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    YouTube - MLG Requiem v3 Teaser :: Released on October 18th!
    Thanks to AmercanPsycho for editing the video, getting the footage for the video, being the fourth member of Str8 LOLN, and putting up with my Skype annoyances and constant map tests. Thanks to Pegasi Delta for recording all of this gameplay. You just wish Taken Down was that good ;) Thanks to Halcylon for the pictures.

    MLG Requiem v3. The newest edition has been in the works through the design and rethinking process over months. Much of the geometry has been totally rethought out, and though most changes look fairly small, I feel like the gameplay is radically better.

    I worked on the map design for a very, very long time and feel like I've thought out every area really well in relation to how it effects other areas of the map, lines of sight, player movement, and so on. None of this map is random or put in to look cool. The design is loosely based off Terminal on Halo 2; the hill in the middle makes for some really interesting combat, and what I feel is the rare Foundry map that actually works really well for MLG Hill settings. Capture the Flag (5Flag settings) and Slayer also work well on this map.

    Requiem v3 will be released on 10.18.09, this Sunday.

  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Ah, it's been great working with you good sir. :)

    This is my best editing and I'm actually pretty proud of the work we've done. It might not look like it, but those endless hours in Skype were pretty successful, no matter how many times you got me to come back with "NO WAIT!". Lol, good times.
    #2 Psycho, Oct 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
  3. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Been privvy to a handful of your testing sessions over the summer, and I have to say, the map just... feels right now. The small things you can't really quantify have slotted into place, and all the adjustments you've made appear to have worked great. This'll be on my HDD on Sunday, for sure.

    The video was great, Amercan. I'll be looking out for more of your stuff.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Bamf video man, i remember the earlier versions best map ever i spent many a hour in custom on your map. I can't wait for this it will bring back foundry for once haha anyway beastly good job, from the video i could already tell some of the little things that are changed.
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Im diggin everything but the dumpster jump near the purple power up, I think a smooth bridge walkway would suffice. Everything else I realy loved when I played on this whenever you did the 'play for the soldiers' thing.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I know this a trailer vid, but thought I'd just answer this. I hear it alot, but the problem with that is that it would crowd up the area from the purple exit under the hill, along with ruining player movement along that street, and line of sight from base to bottom purple. The dumpster itself is there to make the jump easier, though it could work fine just making people jump on the signs.

    Senior Member

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    ooh, I see changes that I havent tried yet. iiiinteresting. Ill look for it on yer FS on Sunday.

    me loves me sum map dedicashunz
  8. EmoStreet

    EmoStreet Ancient
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    Comes out on MY b-day
  9. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    no video contact? Gah. it turned out well anyways but...

    anyway good job with the map
  10. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    I ****ing can't wait. Requiem is the best MLG map, better than Onslaught. I see you've changed the CP spawn. I'm glad because I always thought it was a burden to have to crouch jump up to it. I can't wait, the way you made it so epic through the video, Requiem v3 will be on my HD the day it comes out, and it won't be going anywhere.
  11. kill4overkill

    kill4overkill Ancient
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    Wow, this looks great! I really love the center structure and the purple lights. Also, the double boxes geomerged in the two corners. All your guy's hard work really shows in this and I can't wait to download it!
  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Great vid! Well, all I can say is that the map as a whole is awesome. I liked both v1 and v2, but this one surpasses both. As Shock said, it feels right. v1 and v2 were good, but v3 is great.
  13. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I membr testin this with yalls. Don't really notice any new changes in the video but I am still excited. The map looks really clean and well done. I also think the changes have greatly improved the gameplay from the previous versions. Oh, and great video American!
  14. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    -Custom spawn has been lowered to make the jump easier
    -There are now boxes on the corners at an angle to allow you to bounce grenades around the corner
    -The spawn system has been totally redone
    -I think the door jumps in front of the base were adjusted to make the jump the same on both sides; a slight issue from v2

    That's all I can come up with off the top of my head. Insane can probably clear up some questions later on or when Requiem v3 is released!

    And thanks for the compliment! :)
  15. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Woo, I'm part of the sniper exterm!

    Haha, I can't wait. I don't even want to know how many times I've tested this map, but it was sooo worth it every single time. Its a masterful design.
    Great job Toppum & Insane.
  16. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    this looks like a cool map i cant wait to DL and check it out
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    -The whole custom area was brought down and redone, including the walls around it
    -teleporter nodes removed from the barrier in the middle, no need for them
    -mauler is drop spawned
    -removed wall in the pipe corners which makes that area much more usable, along with redoing much of those areas
    -added a box in each receiver which cuts it in half. every grenade thrown in there should hit a camper
    -all spawns and spawn areas redone
    -added 'awesome ramp' on the side and removed a box and double box blocking a line of sight there
    -added a double wall on each corner wall that blocks off lines of sight and effects spawns. Also allows spawners at the pipes to run through the base without getting picked off by enemies at your OS
    -Those boxes in the corner also keep people from camping there, before it'd be tough to kill them but now you can grenade against the wall behind them
    -sniper drop spawns improved to prevent dirtying
    -set up for Ball and all other gametypes
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Looks really nice! That middle structure looks awesome... the name is a bit ..okay.. I guess, but whatever.

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