MLG Rejected Designed by Rmc97, zgriffin22, and de AiRiK This is map is set up to handle just MLG Team Slayer. It's not really good for anything else, but feel free to experiment if you think it would be. This map is a symmetrical map with two levels. Pretty open bottom level with long lines of sight for BR battles, but enough cover to give players a chance to survive. Top level has sufficient cover and floorspace for MLG gameplay. Weapons on the map include BRs, Carbines, Rockets, Plasma Grenades and Frag Grenades. Don't really know what else to say so here is the map. Hope you like it. In case you missed the one at the top, here's another Download Link
too many freakin barrels!!!! there's one in every damn picture!!!..good map though, it is very neat and organized, i could see some sick flag played on this..5/5
Barrels are fine in MLG, if they're held down with immovable objects like weapon holders or teleport nodes. Which they aren't in this map, so the problem appears to be not locking them down
haha, thats so true, except i dont see whats so bad about them, it gives a bit more scenery and if you blow them away with a grenade you get free cover
Mlg= imoovable objects sry simple as that. Playability must remain constant fix the barrells or the map ain't MLG. 4/5 every thing else is good