I can't seem to get the spawns working, so the spawns aren't great, if anyone has any tips on the spawning system then please leave a message. Thankyou! All together there are no power ups apart from the ones representing blue side, red side and yellow side. Weapons: 1x Rockets - 3 minute respawn 1x Sniper - 2 minute respawn 14x Battle Rifle - 30 second respawn 9x Carbine - 60 second respawn 8 x Frag - 10 second respawn 8 x Plasma - 20 second respawn The map is a big square within foundry. It is cut up into 3 colours and altogether 6 sectoins. There is Red, which is the attackers side, Blue, which is the defenders side and Yellow, which is the middle section. There is also A side, which is the man made wall side and B side, which is the opposite side to A. Callouts: A tower A walkway A lower walkway Blue base Blue walkway Blue lower walkway Mid Yellow Lower Yellow Higher Yellow Blue hut Red hut Red walkway Red lower walkway Red base B Tower B lower tower B walkway B lower walkway Red courtyard Blue courtyard This screen shot is looking from A tower, across yellow, to Blue side. This screen shot is looking from Red B side, Across Red hut, To Red A side. This screen shot i looking from Higher Yellow, Across Blue courtyard, to Blue base. This screen shot is loOking from Blue A side, Across Blue hut, To blut B Side. This screen shot is looking from B tower, Across Yellow, To Red side. If you want to download he map click this link... http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=72240884
Good Map Wiener! Nice Map, I've played it and it has all the aspects of a MLG map. The Merging and Geomerging is nice and clean and the gameplay is good. The only problems i found was the sides of the central sturcture you can;t run from the open box to the wall (you get stuck) and like you said the spawns But overall a very good map. 4/5 P.s Cut the guy some slack guys he's new to froge hub.