MLG Raleigh Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Pegasi and Ladnil's MLG discussion thread

    It starts in under 4 hours!

    No massive rant this time, said most of what I have to say in the 6 Team LAN thread. Let us know who you'll be rooting for, and what you think of the current competition. Remember, this is MLG's 50th event and they're out to make it a big 'un, I heard tell that Shockwave will be joining the crew up in the booth. 1/2 of classic Carbon commentating? Win, I think you'll agree.

    Anyone who's lucky enough to be going, let us know what it's like. The spectator experience is supposed to be great, extra free play after games have ended, and that includes Halo CE and 2 stations for that classic feel. If you're there, I seriously envy you.
    #1 Pegasi, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  2. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
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    Gilkey's...good? Did I miss something?
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yeah wtf is this, I turn the stream on and see Carbon down 2-0 and losing by 100 seconds of oddball time while Gilkey is getting doubles every 3 seconds.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    <3 you guys.

    And I know, right? Before this event, Gilkey = dropping down from sword on Construct as far as I was concerned. I thought inexperience showed in his play, but boy is he comfortable in the limelight right now. Great individual play and gelling fantastically as part of the team, Scott's right that his communication and drive is really helping push Purgatory forwards a lot. Also glad that Karma and Drew are doing well, I love that duo, and Mimic also impressed me with his consistently smart and balanced play. Purgatory is looking good, not top 4 good, but much better than I expected, I really hope they comfortably break top 8 this event and definitely think they have it in them.

    As for Carbon, I saw very little cohesion as a team and they lacked that fiery drive which any team with Naded (and Walshy too tbh) really needs to perform to potential. In that series they honestly just looked like 4 great players that didn't turn out to form a great team when put together. Also, SK pulling a T2 on Narrows, wtf?

    Also, Sypher. I had little love for him before this event, I know FB talked him up when they dropped Soviet for him last minute, but again it just never came together (story of H3 FB tbh, that is until the most recent two lineups). He seemed like another solid player who still didn't have anything particularly good going for him, but I genuinely think he's a big part of allowing SS to get back in to his zone as we saw vs Darkest Hour. On top of that, he's putting up good numbers and making big waves with his presence, throwing the other team off their stride consistently. That series increased my opinion of him massively as a very fundamentally sound player, and paired with SS I think he shines yet further, really liking that duo too.

    Anyone else sticking around the for Open Bracket matches? I'll be interested to see who pops up (no idea what the matches lined up are) and how Open Bracket play differs from what we see in the top 16. I'm not great at keeping in the know on teams and players outside of the top 16, I'm glad that they're chucking some on the stream so I can diversify my appreciation of the wider pool of talent. With the people coming out of the open bracket and the waves they've been making of late, I really feel I'm missing out through being so Pro focused.

    On that note, does anyone else think Noob and Goofy completely outshone Legend and Twylight today? Again, they looked so comfortable in their playstyle, consistently smart and well executed plays out of both of them, even when DH as a team was arguably getting pretty badly beaten on. I guess today has been all about the duos for me, as they're number 3 on my list of impressive partnerships after today. I think they have a lot more potential than the result of their match today might indicate, and I'm not just talking about being moulded in to top tier players from raw talent. To me, it looks like they might well be already there, or at least close, and could genuinely be performing to a top 8, maybe even top 6 standard of play. Considering they both kinda came out of nowhere this season, that impresses me muchos. I'm gonna be watching them carefully in their journey through the LB, I hope to see them making waves in the very near future around a level I wouldn't have expected before watching. One series does not a great player make, I know, but dang I was impressed with them.

    Agreed with Puckett, Scott and DMAQ as well, FB to take the event.

    EDIT: Quote of the day for me:

    Legend - "Take Goofy, Ball!"
    #4 Pegasi, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  5. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Well, I like Instinct. But, Final Boss is doing good. Can't say...
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    My money says FB wins it. Because they are awesome, and thank god they are playing really good now at the end of H3's lifespan after ages of team problems. Finally compatible within themselves!

    And Gilkey..... lol WOW. Impressive turnaround.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    <3 Pistola

    <3 OGRE 2 finally being back

    <3 The wall of death that is FiS+Victory

    <3 Pistola

    <3 Pistola


    <3 Pistola.

    EDIT: From the live feed - "Reality Check upset the top seed, The Other Guys 2-0"

    If the Suddoths actually make it out of AM I'm gonna be more than a little disappointed.
    #7 Pegasi, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    What's the deal with the Suddoths? I get the general impression that nobody likes them, but why?
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Every time I see either of them post, they act like Pros but with like 1 (?) top 48 finish under their belt and mostly really bad ones too, or just annoying trollesque posts.

    I saw an evidence video uploaded by Suddoth 2 recently, it was a Doritos FFA ladder vid, dunno what it was evidence for but all I saw was him not shooting at his brother. Like deliberately not shooting at his brother, and Suddoth 1 then took the game. Idk, they're just jumped up as far as I'm concerned and engage way too much in stuff like the Gameroom comments bashing that goes on.

    It's probably kinda unfair tbh, I bet plenty of AM kids are self assured little dicks, they're just very vocal about it and also try to play off the whole twins thing, increasing negative notoriety. They kinda seem to thrive off the hate too, trolls till the end.


    Power just 3-0'd Str8

    #9 Pegasi, Aug 28, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  10. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    <3 the Suddoths, they're the 3rd best joke on the forums.

    I think FB will take this event, it looks like FB is trying to just close out the remainder of H3 at the top.

    2rge is getting back to his old self, and the rest of FB isn't being streaky(They've always been good, but only one or two of them would be on fire each game).

    Str8 makes me lol, T2 screwed himself so far over again and I am so happy about that.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    FB are destroying, they're gonna take the event. Nuff said.

    I gotta say though, it really looked like the wheels were falling off with Instinct. Their performance at the LANs wasn't up to scratch and they really seemed to struggle in the first two rounds they played. Against HaE, Roy was really being a complete ****. He was straight up shouting and trashing on Cloud and even on Towey, telling your coach to directly shut up is a bad move however you look at it. Fair enough he was backing it up with dominant play when the rest of them were looking really iffy, Cloud especially. But if you're on fire you have to use it to fire up the rest of your team, not as a reason to get down on them and actually start calling them out. "You suck, Scotty! You suck!" That's the kind of trash that should be reserved for opponents, not your own damn team, I genuinely lost a lot of respect for Roy as a team player at that moment.

    It gave me hope that SQ could finally beat them (I really love Quo), but it seems like they sorted out their troubles and fixed the bad blood, reinstating their chemistry and closing out the series vs SQ in a strong fashion (Heretic TS was an embarrassing exception to that though, and <3 Sword's frenzy on Ons CTF). Before that series I would have called FB to breeze past Instinct, but now I think it's gonna be more of a challenge, though I still trust FB to win the WBF pretty convincingly.

    Agreed on all points, and on the note of T2 and Str8, remember what you were saying about Robbie B in the 6 Team LAN thread? From what I hear, you were bang on the money. Word is it was him who pretty much single handedly crapped on TD to come back from a 39-47 deficit and win Pit TS, gotta give you props for calling him out as a dominant slayer. Winning from a score like that is incredibly impressive in itself, but doing it against the new TD who are looking really good is just staggering. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for him from now on.

    Also, who are these 1st and 2nd best jokes on the forums? Do tell :p.
    #11 Pegasi, Aug 28, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  12. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    i like it how karma comes outt of now where and is on TD
  13. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    See mayne, sadly big daddy T doesn't take advice from me, or answer my calls, or my PMs. Meh, his loss.

    If Str8 makes any changes they need to keep T2(Obviously :p) and Chig, Ghost is good, but if he won't stay without Soldier they need to hope a top team finishes low, and pick up a solid team player(Elamite, preferably), and then get Robbie.

    As for the jokes.

    The first is probably the greatest trolling of all time, a poster whos name I CANNOT remember made a topic about the real reason for FBs decline, and claimed to be 2gres "girlfriend", and just came off as an obsessed (And perverted) fan, and the topic just got hilarious. It has happened twice, and I am sure he will do it in H:R, so if you see it, you'll know.

    The other isn't the best joke, per se, but when Salot(One of the designers of Onslaught) raged because he wasn't one of the five "top" forgers who MLG gave the mythic map pack to a month before Halo Wars came out.

    If I can find the two threads they'll be easier to understand, but I have to remember that damn name.
    #13 RehnX, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Watching TD vs BtH and dang TD are looking good (all the Totz haters take note). Assuming FB send Instinct to the LB after WBFs, and they will, I can really see TD being there to beat them in the LBF.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Championship match will be SQ vs. Instinct, so clearly you're wrong about all of that.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I lol'd.

  17. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Why did they show an Old Spice Report everybody has seen already?

    Lame. Though it is nice to see again that KC looked at our sketchups.
    #17 Ladnil, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Same with the UGH, I agree. Guess they're just filling time. I gotta say, the stream experience hasn't been as good as other events, not bad per se but more downtime than I would have liked, they could have showed plenty more series in the middle of each day than they have. Kinda disappointing considering it's the 50th event and the spectator experience if you're at the venue is supposed to be amazing, wish they'd transitioned that over to the stream a little more.

    Also just noticed that we don't get to see LBSFs between SQ and TD, disappointing.
  19. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Honestly, it would have been awesome if Championship sunday was the only H3 we saw, and the rest of the weekend was CE, H2, Shadowrun, and Melee exibition streams.

    Just because of the importance of this event.

    Though I know MLG won't do that, none of the new crowd like the old games.
  20. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    What a game. Someone remind me to watch that Pistola VoD where he got body sniped by Cloud and apparently got a double anyway to break the Instinct setup at blue. That ended Instinct's game right there.

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