Very good, Very good. This is definitaly and original layout for an MLG map, and i love the tube idea. Its very creative the way you used it. This is alittle small but it works great with 3v3. 5/5
Hmm. It's alright...I dislike how the tunnels end up um...nowhere really. It encourages camping which is frowned upon in MLG. However, it looks well put together, worth a download. 3/5
I was impressed when I checked it out in forge. Everything is forged very nicely, and the layout is nice as well. The only thing I thought was weird was how you can only go down the tubes, you cant go back up them. i'll edit this once i get a chance to play on it.
i think that the map looks really cool the way everything is placed makes the map really good and the fact that its inthe sky buble means its another guardian nice map solid 5/5.
This is a very good sandbox original layout. It has awesome aesthetics and really unique structures. I want to play it but, theres no download link
And i agree but i ran into some complications, one being that with the new item budget i would only be able to place two gravity lifts not 4, making it unbalanced. Also their intended purpose its a place to get out from the main structure, get back your shields, and get out into the left and right pockets. But thank you for your constructive criticism! Right under the title