Authors: jakob hunter, nicktheratman13 Map Name: mlg Popcorn Bag Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Tiny Player Count: 2-6 Supported Gametypes: MLG Butterhill __________________________________________________ Description: Popcorn Bag: The inspiration for this map came to me one day as me and nicktheratman13 where messing around with spinning gravlifts. We came up with the idea of an anti-gravity chamber with spinning golfballs, as i began constructing the map I realized i could not get the balls to spin right, but i kept building. Nick ended up just giving me ideas for the map and decided to just let me build it, however i put him down as co-creator because he made the gametype mostly and help with ideas for the map. I ended up making an anti-gravity chamber afterall. With a spinning gravity lift at the bottom and four mancannos in the corners plus, four shield doors in a diamond shape around the spinning gravity lift; the golf balls would bounce around the bottom coming off the ground and spinning while some would get high enough and be caught in the air and stay there until sucked back into the vortex. --------------------------------------------------------------- Story: So the story goes like this. Not so long ago, in a microwave not to far away.... A bag of popcorn is placed in the microwave. As the cernals begin to pop tensions rise. It is every popcorn for himself, trying to stand ontop of larger pieces to stay in the middle of the bag where the heat is perfect. Each piece must make an attempt to be the most delicious piece of damn popcorn ever not sharing the deliciousness with anyone but the mouth they go into. Who will win? Does it really matter, they all will be eaten in the end.... The End.... --------------------------------------------------------------- The Gametype: The game is a KOTH gametype that involves each player trying to jump ontop of the the golfballs to stay in the hill. The lower balls move around more and are hard to stay on but the highest ones barely move at all and you can get on those and stay in one spot, that is until someone knocks you off or the ball starts moving. Each player has 50 gravity making them able to jump really high to get on the golfballs, they also have a needler and bruteshot to knock others off their perch, they are also invincible that way you are not constantly dieing. Assassinations are illegal any assassinating will result in -5 points for the assassin, so don't do it!mg: If you pick up the floating custom powerup at the top of the map you...............TURN ORANGE and become buttery, delicious, calorie filled, Buttered Popcorn! That is all it does. Each round is one minute long and there are three rounds for not to short/ not to long games with rest times. You might think the game could get hectic but with the recommended amount of players (2-6, 4 being the best) it is not. There are only 8 spawns on the map so you can not have to many people. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pictures: The large popcorn before the cernals pop: Popcorn falls........ ......and falls: Try and stay on top: Keep your balance: Wait needlers can knock you off!: And they haz bruteshots!: The gravity lift spins.... ......and spins: What a nice bag of popcorn it must have cost a fortune with all that gold trimming and floor decoration: Watch out for falling popcorn.... .....they might break da rulez: The amazing buttered popcorn to top it all off:
Awesome, this is just like Insane54's map but it looks like you took an idea similar to it and completely revamped it. You even have golfballs and a nice column finish! Haven't tried it, but the post looks great, map looks great, names of map/gametype...a joke? Hehe... Download + Rating
Nice Spam. Why is this map called MLG? I get the popcorn idea. I just don't know how it has anything to do with MLG. Looks fun from the pics. I might DL.
I played this with you the other day. It was so much fun I almost **** myself. I love mini games and this is no exception. Its just a shame this map has almost been bumped off the front page already by lesser maps. I really hate seeing great maps like this fail to get the attention they deserve- Thats why I rated this map 5 STARS, and when nomination time comes watchout- Great work man
Exactly when you are an MLG 50 and make popcorn before sitting down for a good game of MLG this is what goes on in the bag. yeah it pretty much was a joke ratman put on and i stuck with it Wow it has only been up for one day and got a hidden gem mention on the front page i am flattered! thanks for all the support from everyone
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the map dude, it is chaotic fun when me and my friends play. I love the shields and golf ball idea and the grav lift!