AHHHH... thats fair enough.. i was planning on giving you a couple of days without viewing the thread so i could come back and witness whats going on.. but nevermind.. The internet at this hotel ****ing sucks ¬_¬ It takes like 2 minutes to download one page. 0.1Mb/s for the win ¬_¬
Probally the other rooms downloading and watching -WOOP- Yeah ive got some progress done but none today im afraid and most likely none tommorrow. I will get some done but I have to concentrate on my GCSE's. My future career is more important
Looks great so far an you have a cool looking design... I'm hoping for a map that plays like a symmetrical Gaurdian.
Wow map for the moment ! She looks like guardian for the midle and the base ! Base looks like Over Basement ! Woe i caint wait for the final post !
Glad your showing interest. If you have a good MLG head and like to play MLG, you should request to be a tester.. We need 8 people (at least, in case some people cant) so we can have proper MLG tests on the map. Its still looking good B3NW, btw, i'm back home tomorrow night and through saturday so i'll come online and see how its going.
Yeah, if we get enough testing interest then we can have multiple games. And thats good to know, turns out i could have forged an hour or so yesterday but i wasnt aloud on and i could have had 30 mins today, but noooo. I will be online 2morow, i hope u had a gd time up north
You shouldn't make your s1 like guardian, with a 90 degree turn. It causes too much nade spamming and is by far, the worst part of Guardian. Make the inside corner rounded so that is isn't such a sharp turn, and you can see farther down. Also I think that with 2 snipers, they should be set to only one spare clip if you are having two because it is symmetrical.
Nade spamming that area is a tactic, most people think nade spamming is nooby but they can be used as physical barriers to trap players in an area. If 2 people come from bottom mid, nade spam s1 because there is 3 or 4 enemies there, the other 2 players can flank them while there is confusion as to why they are nade spamming there, they cant go down because their shields will be nil or they will die pretty quick. Please dont just go change s1 because people nade spam when you dont think it over, changing a wall to make it cirular would not stop nade spamming at all..
What I was thinking about, his how neat this map is gonna be. I mean, when you play Guardian, where's the first place everyone goes to? All the time. Its S1, S2, and S3. It's the focus of the entire map. But by making this symmetrical and having two of each, it's gonna alter gameplay a lot or at least I think. This way, people won't always be pushing for that one area. It's gonna have a lot more flow to the map, or at least in theory it should.
Yes, I immediatley know theres gonna be a rush at bottom mid as soon as the game starts. Players will spawn at elbow and at bottom mid I will most likely have a mauler, like original guardian, this will create an intense BR battle at the start and whoever's faster will get mauler and dominate the bottom mid at start, but then theres gonna be tatics by the smarter players to rush the top mid and flank the other team and control the hill, which in theory should create some extremely tense and fun gameplay, but thats all speculation and thats all you can ever do till any map is done, unless its an exact remake of a map. All I can hope is it will work out, but I can improve the gameplay by taking in all data from the testing and adapting things that didnt work to make them work, and if possible make it fun while still working well. The map is not going to be insane MLG built like amplified and such, im taking a fun map that works with MLG, making it work better with MLG but still have it really fun for ALL players. MLG players enjoy playing Guardian, its just a few things that bugged them and as such it got removed, but even regular players loved the map and enjoyed the gameplay. My aim is to recreate that, have the MLG gameplay play much better and fairer but still be really fun for regular players.
hows the building going recently? i had a quick look on friday and it was starting to take shape nicely. Very interested to see how you make S3. Keep up the good work.
Im building upwards now, im building the big walls that will hold up s4 and enclose s2 and will be a frame for s3 Its all coming together. I will try update with a picture today, but next week and the week after I wont progress much at all, I have my mocks But id rather get them over and done with TBH and get a good mark
aye well keep us posted.. i might have my xbox up and running tonight at my new home.. but if i dont, ill just keep looking for updates good luck with your exams too.
Thanks, i will also be online later, ill get a bit more work done, because theres one part that is just totally dragging on my imagination and it's taking a while to get done. Ive hit a sort of mental block ;l
Ahah, I was just waiting for a bump. Ill update the thread in about 2 hours with a progress update. Ive got a little bit of work done and ill do some more after I have a few games with my mate on L4D2 demo then ill take some screenies. Watch this space!
Ah I tuned in at the right time then.. Been offline for a few days.. Kinda missed all my topics. Keep us posted
If you read the OP you can find out But yeah it is s4, not done yet so dw, I think I may instead of a grav lift and such just have a jump of the gold pillar accessable from both angles to jump up to s4. s3 hasnt even been started yet. Need to finnish s4 then s4 on the other side. I will start s3 after that. That will mean the whole basic layout of the map is done except for the 2 suspended platforms either side.