Download MLG OMEGA V6 MLG OMEGA V6 is an MLG based map. This map is more focused around the control of higher ground to succeed. So please download and enjoy, and if you need a player try to send me, GESS29, an invite. Now onto the map weapons. 8x BR's 4x Carbines 1x Rocket Launcher 2x OS/Custom power up [/URL] Red Side OS [/URL] Red Side Entrance [/URL] Blue Side Enterance [/URL] Blue Side OS [/URL] Middle Structure [/URL] Blue Carbine tower [/URL] Red Mancannon Tower [/URL] Red Carbine Tower
*sigh* Here is a tutorial to get your pictures embedded. Spoiler And you should also rename your last link so we know it's the map DL link. You have 24 hours to fix your pictures or your post will be locked. ANY POSTS AFTER THIS REGARDING PICTURES WILL BE REPORTED. EDIT* Nice to see my tut helped you. Now I don't know much about the MLG rules or anything but this map looks very good. Is the only way up the center platform by jumping?
i like the map, very neat and balanced. i think its a bit too small for 2 customs. it would be nice for a sniper to be in a towere with 1 custom in mid where the rocket is.
Weapons and Why Don't worry I thought that 2 OS would be to much but it worked out well because it balances the fight if someone on the map holds all the higher points, and thats why theres no snipers it would control the map to well
looks really good... just to open.... not that theres not enough cover.... for some reason i really like maps with roofs.... not your fualt tho thats just my opinion
When you have to make a V3 for a map, you should know that it's not the map, it's you. When I saw V6 I almost didn't click on this thread. But since I'm here, floating maps aren't reallly cool anymore. Your bases are too compact and your middle is way too open. IMHO, delete this map and start over. <3
V6 The reason the map is V6 is because it is suppose to be used with the MLG V6 setting. I does not mean there have been six version. Actually there is only one version I have made and thats the one in the link above. I would also like to point out that the reason I made the map so open is so that top control would become as essential as power weapon control. This was done so that power weapon control and control of the top would balance eachother out
You don't need to name it v6 especialy with mythic maps it's kinds assumed but ur right it's obvious what the V6 stood for. The map looks good but counter weapons for the two os might be a good idea 4/5