I KNOW I POSTED A MAP THE OTHER DAY BUT I MADE THESE BOTH AWHILE AGO! SO IM NOT SPAMMING MAPS ! MLG Nullify v1.6 Made by T As iN TraGeDy and I Nanaki I This map is used for MLG TS, CTF, Feel free to support the map by recommending to friends or putting this on your file share. I would really appreciate it. Send me feedback, comments, compliments, complaints, etc. Link to download http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.a...ileid=47424461 Video MLG Nullify v1.6 Walk/FlyThrough Screenshots:
This is a wonderful MLG map, High points: I like the way that you made the middle sides, where the wall leads upto, i love that shape. another bright point of this one is the bases, they are moer so diagonal to eachother, which is a nice change of pace. Down points: I rather don't like the bottom level, theres really not that many ways to get back up to the other floors. Also that theres a serious lack of cover... not that its a bad thing necsesarly. just provides better gameplay for flag games, or king of the hill. Advice: Merge and add some walls on the bottom floor so they act as quick covers, and are easy to jump over, giving it more aethstetic look tooo. Another tip is to add more stairs or something a good looking way to get back up a level besides just a bunch of dumpsters, * gets old after the first 4. :[ Hopefully I helped you with ideas if you in the future make a V2 Keep on a forgin on with love- (not in a gay way) -JFan83
looks like a great map and you have good skill but maybee you need to try and morf things into the floor maybe? 7/10 and keep up the good work!