Ctually there aren't any fusion coils. Some of the pics are from the old version . I can believe that some people have rated the map low because they did not know that, so if you rate the map after what you think (hopefully 5/5 ;D), I will be very thankful.
MLG AMPLIFIED MLG AMPLIFIED It appears as if you've taken far too many elements from Amplified. It would be different if you used the "X" theme in the middle, or put Barriers beneath a ceiling for the "column effect," but it looks like you just deleted/added objects to Amplified.
Pretty nice, personaly, i dont think if theres enough cover on the floor, but i dont know for sure, could just be the picts. MLG Carbon Sector v2
It seems to have the general theme of Amplified, but the boxes in the 'X' are facing in a different direction than the ones on Amp, and the pillars are in different places. I agree that it looks similar, but most MLG maps do have a sort of similar layout.