MLG MIDSAND This map has a slight resemblance and gameplay as H2s Midship. Completly A-Symetrical. With the top platform strechting between bases but with a slite gap to give it its own feel. Has some interesting jumps to get from level to level. Nice cover for those close encounters and open areas for that o so speciel time to out br someone. Some of the pictures may contain a non mlg weapon but that is because i created the mlg version and non mlg version. And also the mlg version has a custom power up. Hope you likey. I present MLG MIDSAND! ps the sniper has been removed do to its over powerment. Compatable with mlg slayer, ctf, king of the hill Download here : Halo 3 File Details
This is okay. Just, it is kind of sloppy and the only ressembelence I see to Midship is the fact the middle is up high. Also, it is really small and there is no cover on the end structures which I'm going to assume are the bases. Also, you said it was completely asymetric, when you meant completely symetric. Symetric= Same on both sides. Asymetric= Different all over. Otherwise, it's pretty good. Oh, welcome to Forge Hub.