Introduction After having some experience with MLG maps and gametypes, I have decided to make a small guide to MLG maps and what you should see in them. Also, I recently saw a map completely out of sync with the MLG standards. I will not mention any names but I will say it is on the MLG map section right now if you can find it. This guide is also my first guide so I hope this helps you all have a better and stronger understanding of the crucial aspects in MLG forging. Layouts and Design MLG maps are usually symmetrical. Usually or in most cases, the MLG maps in Matchmaking at the moment are four-based. Four-based maps would be MLG Onslaught and MLG Amplified. Although Iv0rY Snak3 has created an MLG map that is completely assymetrical (Xyience), it has a nice flow and does not have any major features that may effect gameplay for the worst. When designing an MLG map variant, you must always keep in mind the lines of sight. Lines of sight are the points of view a player has when shooting across the map. A player should always have some way to attack an enemy. Thus preventing camping. Although you have lines of sight in your map, you must provide essential cover from enemy attacks. Keep these in mind and you should be able to create an effective MLG map. Weapon Spawns MLG has a very strict weapon policy. MLG weapons are usually single shot weapons. What I mean by single shot, is that the weapon needs to shoot multiple times to kill or eliminate an enemy. The BR (Battle Rifle) and Carbine (Covenant Carbine) are perfect examples. The BR shoots 3 bullets per time you press the right trigger. This is a a single shot weapon. The power weapons in MLG are balanced weapons that take skill to use. The Sniper Rifle and Mauler are the most common power weapons used in MLG. The difference between the normal power weapons like the shotgun and such are that MLG weapons take more skill to use. The mauler unlike the shotgun shoots once but you must still get a melee in. I do not believe I need to elaborate on the sniper rifle since everyone knows it takes mediocre skill to no-scope someone. All weapon info found here: click here for weapons and spawn times Gametypes MLG uses almost every generic gametype in the Halo 3 arsenal. It plays with MLG KOTH, Slayer, Multi-Flag, and Oddball. In all MLG games, a player will always spawn with a BR in hand. The BR is basically the Assault Rifle of MLG. When making your gametypes for MLG, be sure to create them in a balanced fashion. For example, MLG Multi Flag changes for MLG The Pit and MLG Narrows. I cant really explain gametypes very well because I still have yet to learn, but this here is still very useful. All Gametype info found here: Click here for game types May need to move this to the MLG section if neccessary...