I just fixed the pictures by using Photobucket, now they should finally work for everyone. Thanks for the feedback
Actually he didn't embed screenshots, instead he copied them from b.net which for some reason doesn't work for everyone (you obviously know that as you saw them but everyone else didnt) and instead most of us get a little pic of some creepy dude 'saying pics not found'. (EDIT: I see embedded pics now so good job getting those in) But I digress - ON TO THE MAP I looked through the gallery you included and DLed th map and ran around through it. It looks really cool but also really open. I suggest you interlock some of the map (already said I know) but all in all this is a good attempt for an MLG map. I'd take out the barriers and the vehicles on the ground, put the barriers on the boxes on the edge where there are some open spaces and use any combonation of double/single boxes, crates, wire spools, walls, etc to make some sort of pillar structure in each open corner. Oh yea turn those bridges over too buddy, it looks a lot better that way.