MLG Killhouse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by tornquist92, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. tornquist92

    tornquist92 Ancient
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    MLG Killhouse was made specifically designed for testing territories as an MLG gametype but it could also support slayer. The map has two 3 story bases and a small alley on one side. I tried to make this map hard to kill an entire team off their spawn but still be able to take map control. There are no weapons on the map so a good BR and team shot is a must. The majority of the map was free-handed and a lot of interlocks and placements aren't perfect, I just wanted to see if territories worked for MLG gameplay and I didn't think any other maps could support territories. I was hoping this map would spark an interest in territories because it does take a lot of teamwork and thats mainly what competitive team gaming is about.

    Download MLG Killhouse (map)
    Download MLG Territories (gametype)

    Third story of the bases, each with a territory

    Middle of the map. The third territory is inbetween the two wall corners. The stairs lead out of the alley

    The alley.

    The inside of the bases. The guy is were players start.

    The stairway that leads to the third story. This is located to the right of the previous picture. The hallway on the right side of the picture is the same one in the middle left of the first picture.

    Download MLG Killhouse (map)
    Download MLG Territories (gametype)
  2. Evil J3bus

    Evil J3bus Ancient
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    NO replies??? What's going ON??? But i get to call 1st post lol

    This map looks amazing and is a credit to your forging ability.... As for territories on a MLG map, i personally think it could work! Great job!
  3. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    This map is very clean and simple but looks very fun to play on. It looks small which might be a bit of a problem for an MLG map but as long as your having fun who cares right. Please continue making maps in this manor :)

  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I agree maddflash, but on the contrary, this map is quite large for an MLG map is VERY open. However, it's well thought out as far as layout goes. My only complaint in forging is that those walls in the far back on top of the map look very sloppy. Try to fix those up a bit.

    It looks like a map that would work for that old paintball game varient or Team SWAT. I'll have to try those varients on this map later. I'll download this later.
  5. Dimaginaryfrog

    Dimaginaryfrog Ancient
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    I haven't downloaded it yet but i t seems like a very good map that would play very well. Although a little blank.
    P.S. I agree with Master Debayter it does look like it would play well with Team Swat.
  6. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    I am so glad someone tried something new on MLG. I was getting tired of seeing the same layout for every MLG map I played. I think territories might work. Also, the fact that the bases aren't just the height of one double box like most MLG maps is a good thing too. This is extremely unique and I've never seen something like this before. I love it. The back alleyway is a good touch too. It gives the map more flavor. Good job and keep on forging.

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