First, my criticism of the name: It seems to me you chose a very unoriginal name. It seems to me that you only wanted people to look. You thought that it was called "Interlocked", many people would look. Also, you threw MLG in there. Now that that's threw, let's get on to the map. As a normal map, I think it is very good. As an MLG map, not up to par. Many people theses days make an "MLG" map because they think people will like it if it's called MLG. Obviously, what I am trying to say, this dosen't seem to be an MLG styple map. You used a lot of non-MLGish items, such as, Trucks, those things in the last picture (forgot the nam lol), shield doors, and cover that dosen't seem to be the norm in an MLG map. (barrles, for one. They can be moved around and clutter the rest of the map.) Another thing I'd like to adress is the lack of cover. It's open in some areas. I actually like this map. I like the outer walkway thing. Your map is maily well forged. The only problem I ses is it's escapable.
Thank you! for once some constructive critism. I am re making it and renaming it and am just out doing it. I will take MLG out of the name, but it plays much better with MLG Gametypes