MLG Frostbite v2 Major League Gamer Version 1: Unavailable Version 2: Halo 3 File Details Version 2 - Mauler Accessable from both sides of the map. No longer can troublemakers sneak their way out of the map. Original Description: Screens: Right Side of Frostbite (Left Side looks the same) The Back of Frostbite The Top of Frostbite Strategies: Creator's Notes: None.
EDIT: you fixed it, congradulations =) This map doeant look very well thought out to me. It seems as yo just put a box in an area, and then bulided around it, hoping that a map would come out of it. It's good that you learned how to geomerge and interlock, but dont just do it to do it, put it to good use where it was needed and let it help the map's aesthetics AS WELL as gameplay. Im sorry, but I really dont like theway you have your single and double walls placed in pic 2. I understand you were trying to create an MLG jump, but it looks really bad and its not MLG to have a random wall in the middle of nowhere so that someone can use it to jump. 3/5 from me
No offense,but this is tragicly horrible.No merges,interlocks,and the weapon placement is not that awsome.Also the bases aren't very symmetric.2/5
Most of it is merged... not alot... but most of it. lol. Interlocked too. But I understand. It's not my best.
Looking at your map it was hard to see the merging and the random sideways walls aren't very effective cover . You could still be seen eve when right behind it. I think you need a little more pree planning in your maps. Sry but for me 3/5