probably doesn't seem like an MLG map because its just very different i dont think it should be anything else its a perfect MLG map in my opinion because its CQB and it just fits the BR perfect.
Looks good. 9/10... great interlocking, nicely done. competitive maps are always so well done... sometime better than the actual aesthetic maps..
thanks dude we try to make our maps a step above the norm and completely unique. and to everyone that thinks its not mlg, death is right, its just WAY different than any other mlg map. again thats what we were aiming for. we figured it would be more popular that way. i mean lets face it, who wants to see maps with warlocks or onslaughts base styles over and over again? we are willing to run testing just sent a friend request to either me or death. so far testing has been awesome most say this map is one of the best ctf maps theyve seen and hill plays well too.
pretty sweet map, nice job with the curve for the bases; thats something different.Also looks like it is for actual MLG rules. good job 5/5
I am not going to lie. Today I felt like I was 12 years old again. Sitting in my mother’s car with a brand new video game she had just bought me. My nose would be deep in the instruction manual dying to go home and play it. Later that night my mother would discover the burger king she bought me was still not eaten and my eyes had not left the TV screen since I had gotten home. Today, I was dying to come home and review some maps. The first map of tonight was MLG spark, which I was dying to review. However, MLG Spark did not meet my expectations you can see why below. The good: ·Forged technique is good. (geomerging, interlocking) ·Wall jumps in the base. (Walls in the double boxes) ·Weapon set seems fair. * Map is not boxy. The bad: ·Camo seems very bland. ·The bases take up a huge portion of the map. ·Spawn points spawning players above br spawn in middle. ·Minor flaws: walls sticking out of boxes. ·Map does not flow: Carbine spawn and the double box on the opposite end of carbine. My suggestions: ·Remove stairs in base. ·Make the bases slimmer and less wide. ·Add a bridge to the center of the base. (Each end should be near the double boxes standing up) ·Remove numerous wall jumps and add one wall jump to were the stairs were. ·Add two wall jumps to the sides of the flag spawn (where camo is embedded in the box) ·Remove double box opposite side of carbine spawn. ·Remove carbine spawn tower. ·Add ramps to where carbine and double box used to spawn. ·Possibly add some sort of structure near were carbine used to be. This map gets a 4/10, because of a lack of depth ( add more structures), bases to close to each other, and dead ends. However, with some improvements this map can easily be 8/10+. If you would like some in-game help or would like a more in-depth response feel free to send me FR on XBL. GT: Transactionzero ATTENTION: I’m looking for five maps to review for next Wednesday if you would like me to review your map Please send me a PM with your forgehub link to your map.
Thanks again for all the great replys everyon. Zero i think you may have some good ideas and some things we did like the walls hanging out of the inside base = quick dub jump to get up top so that was intentional. Takeing the stairs out of the base is just a stupid idea in my opinion but thanks for the review.
v2 is gonna be up today! we got rid of the carbine tower and made a ramp to get up and on the dumpster side we added a nice little area for the new hill points