MLG Enhanced Our first map, MLG Enhanced, is a symmetrical map made in an enclosed area on Foundry. This map has multiple interlocking objects and has two walls made entirely of double boxes and walls. We have made it virtually impossible to escape from. This map works best with MLG CTF and MLG TS, but also supports Oddball and King of the Hill. MLG Enhanced has many routes to get to the other base. This makes the flow of the map very easy to move around and get from place to place. This map has catwalks, multiple areas for cover, and space under each base to run through. Weapons and Grenades on map are as follows: Covenant Carbine (x4) Battle Rifle (x6) Mauler (x1) Frag Grenade (x4) Plasma Grenade (x6) Any suggestions on updates for v2 would be greatly appreciated. By Saint Prodigy and MM Waffle. Action Shots: Carbine Spawn Blue Base Red Base Mauler Spawn and Mid Cross Mid Bridge Click Here to Download MLG Enhanced MLG CTF Enhanced Gametype MLG TS Gametype
hey, just to leet you know, u cant load images from bungie, waht you'll have to do is save the image and load it to a website I use called photobucket. you can do alot to any image you want, and its free. Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket MLG Carbon Sector v2
i think we all know that people dont need to keep repeating what other people are saying no one else needs to say the pics arent working because 1 person saying is the same as 1000 people saying it. it's not gonna make a difference
Pictures are not working, lolz just kidding. To tell you the truth, I am bored of MLG to many came to fast for me to handle. The map is good but I won't download, keep making maps though.
Way to go on using more of the vertical space that foundry gives, you rarely see that in MLG-Style maps. And the crosses on the bases=great aesthetic touch! This would be brutally intense if you played it with OnSlaught CTF! Awesome!
its an intresting lay out but you got to many pics of the middle of the field ide like to see the rest please...
nice map i love the fence walls merging it is really cool it is in a pattern WOW well done nice map nice merging 4.5/5
I like the Interlocking very nice and the whole thing is nicely put together 4/5 Pics look good P.S i didnt see that i wrote geo-merging i ment to say Interlocking, because it is very clean.
Thanks for all of the positive feedback. Prodigy and I spent a lot of time making this map and we really appreciate all of the support. If anyone has any ideas for MLG Enhanced v2, please speak up.
You have some very original looking geometry in your map. The fence ramps look are my favorite feature of the map. I think the overall layout could be improved. Some MLG maps have a very similar set-up to what you currently have, and have done them exceptionally well....which is why criticism can be so hard with MLG maps. I would recommend trying to build an asymmetrical layout next time and see what you can come up with. Not too many Asymmetrical MLG maps have been built yet, so you're more likely to strike gold with that than a base to base symmetrical map. That being said, this is a solid map with some great unique features, but a reused layout design. Break away from the mold and try something daring!
looks really good. i like how u had the red be overshields and the blue base be active camo. I also like the mauler cross in the middle. I dont see that very often so good job doing something different. And for the overall map i thought the mlg game play would probably work for this. So 4.7/5 Good Job!
thank you for the high rating we wanted to try something diffrent with the middle of the map instead of double boxes