Foundry MLG Encephal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Transactionzero, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know I have already posted, but this is a formal Review.


    This map supports the hyper competitiveness of MLG.
    The map's design allows players to traverse the map easily and fluidly. This map has great flow with its bases and connecting structures. This coveted level of flow promotes movement rather than camping and progression rather than waiting. The unique layout creates multiple paths each with their own weaknesses and strengths. For instance, players can take the fast lane through 'bottom center' to the opposite base, but they're in the open, or they could try the longer route. The longer route goes further, but it is less dangerous and more defendable. These multiple paths makes the gameplay that much more interesting and creates a great risk versus reward style gameplay. The map rewards players who use teamwork, effective decisions on paths, and players whom control areas and weapons. A great point of interest is 'top center'. It gives great lines of sigh while keeping dangerous. It is also importmat to control because of the weapon spawns. This location contains 'the' 'power weapon' known as the rocket launcher. A fore stated, players are rewarded for controlling areas and weapons. Gameplay was fun, but after a few games it became somewhat repetitive. Base to base action was predominant.

    Score: 8/10


    This map is perfectly balanced. The map is completely symmetrical, and the weapons and spawn follow this. No areas are over or under powered. Each path has its weaknesses, such as length or danger, and its strengths, such as cover and time. Each area has a purpose.
    The Rocket Launcher is placed in a great Risk versus Reward area. It can be seen from across areas of the map because of the detailed forging of lines of sight. This allows players to watch the spawn, and if a player is caught obtaining it, enemies can 'put shots' on him/her to 'steal' the power weapon. It is important to control this weapon because it is arguably the best. It is dangerous to obtain it, but if a team does, they are rewarded. Sniper Rifles are also in a good location because players can see enemy players going for it if they are doing the same. Because each team has one, it balances out. In addition, their location is not in area that promotes their use. Players must first obtain them and then make their decisions based on the weight of each path. Players must use the excellent balance of good and bad lines of sight and cover. Much like the paths, each area has its it weakness, such as bad cover or lines of sight, and strengths, such as good cover or lines of sight. This map balances each in different areas such as top center, the bases, and yellow. The map's geometry was crafted for optimal balance, and the only issue is lack of weapon control. The only true items of control are the rocket launcher on overshield. The overshield is not as effective to control as the rocket launcher. Also, the rocket launcher lasts only for a short time. The map could use another weapon of control, such as a mauler to aid in the balance the short and long ranges. As of now, the map mostly uses long and mid ranges. The spawn spacing, placement, and weighting are excellent. Each area has its own opposite. Therefore, the system works well. All in all, this map is well balanced.

    Score: 9/10


    The map is completely inescapable. It is impossible to escape it even though a large portion is blocked off. The forger utilized the height barrier and his objects to keep people in his wanted play space. There are also no ways to get to locations that are not allowed are give significant advantages. This is extremely important in MLG, because unwanted advantages discourage that style of gameplay and breaks up flow. The geometrical side of the map is extremely solid up to MLG standards. It is almost impossible to "throw" objective items out of the map. Unlike other maps, this important in MLG objective games. It breaks up the game and the maps flow. It is also know as cheating. Now worries, because this map keeps every object in. The boundaries keep the flow fluent and the games rolling. The spawns are a similar case. Spawns are important in MLG. It must take extreme teamwork and control to 'spawn trap' enemies. Encephal shows a great example of this because it's spawn system is great. This map won't budge.

    Score: 10/10


    The map is very crisp. Everything is built to perfection. Each interlock and merge are done expertly for the best possible outcome. Everything is smooth to optimize gameplay. Use of signs and power-ups help identify areas to increase map knowledge and teamwork. The points of reference don't stop there. The center structure is always a great way to show where you are. This point is references aid players in finding the right direction. The case is similar with the bases and the areas around them. The lines of sight allow players to locate and identify their points of reference. This points allow players to know where they are immediately, make plans, and weigh them. Although, everything is in order, the map lacks small details other than the two stairs near the bases, and is somewhat bland. There was room for touches and small details which help out players.

    Score: 9/10

    Originality: Although the map breaks no MLG molds, it has a unique layout, weapon layout, and more. The layout uses unique structures to give new opportunities. The overall layout gives great flow that MLG come what lack because of ther technicalities. Each piece has a purpose that fits instead of either or. The 'bottom center' area is much difefren than MLG maps. It is connected to the sides and has tow levels which are easy to use and the map promotes. Most MlG maps don not promote use of bottom mid.The stairs near the overshield gives a style of control unseen in most MLG maps. The weapon layout differs from most MLG Foundry maps, and works well. Most foundry map only use one 'power' weapon. This map utilizes 4. Control is a very important part of MLG maps. The use of tele-porters is also something that other MLG maps do not utilize. The map promotes new opportunities that other maps do not. However, the top walkway is seen in many other maps and operates similarly.

    Score: 8/10

    Overall Score :


    #21 What's A Scope?, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009

    Senior Member

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    nice map,
    i see that you interlocked on geo-merged almost every object.
    looks very clean, i see you got some good ideas.
    im downloading right now and i will give you feedback about gametypes later.
  3. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    There's no set rule that snipers aren't allowed on Foundry-based maps, its just recommended.

    As long as the design and flow of a map compliments the use of a sniper, like Encephal, I don't really see a problem with it being on the map.

    To be honest, I still have to give this a try TZ, maybe start up a custom with Pegasi and the crew tonight for some 4v4s?
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I know today is not the tonight you specified, but if my courses permit I may be able to play some 4's tonight if you're interested. Thank you for your support Mr. Raynne. Moving forward I may be tweaking MLG Encephal in the future as I've been getting quite a bit of XBL messages about my map. I'm mainly looking at tweaks to the OS location and a possible rework of above OS spawn. Not promising anything. :)
    #24 Transactionzero, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009

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