MLG Dynamic Please Leave feedback MLG Dynamic is used for MLG TS only right now to see how it play's. Weapons • Six Battle Rifles Every 30secs. 2 In Main bases 4 in Each in middle corner's. • Four Carbine's = Every 30secs. 2 Top Side bases 1 In both main bases. • One Mauler = every 1 min 30secs. Bottom Middle Watch Video for better view on map! Blue base Blue base 2 Red base Red base 2 All 4 Corner's look like this A Side B Side Middle Middle 2 DOWNLOAD had to fix some things new download! Leave Feedback please!
This looks a lot like some of the Sketchup maps people are posting over on the MLG Forums. I'll dl and post later, it looks good from the pics
Looks ok, you might want to take pics from a game insted of forge, the spawn points kinda ruin a shot
It's really good, the layout is pretty orginal and the interlocking is not at all lacking. But i would suggest the you lower the mauler respawn because it's not really a huge ower weapon, also barriars are not at all the best to put in the middle they look out of place to me. I suggest a geomergeed open, double boxe. I like the bases but i think there a little small, try to widen them so they feel and look like a base. But otherwise very good map and It seems that the different parts have different vantage points, thats great nice job and hope to see more.
Good map. The bases look good. You did a great job interlocking, although you could have a bit more. I like the B Side pic. The middle looks cool also. This map seems to have a real MLG feel.