[b]MLG Docks[/b] Created by Korlashh Supported Gametypes: TS, Ball, CTF (Nar), KotH, MLG FFA Map Description: Hey all, this is my final map to post for a while now, but i still wanted to release this, since i actually forged this map before all the other ones i posted. Anyway, this is an mlg styled map that i attempted to make on the "dock" side of longshore. Since there are 2 floors, I'd favor playing at least 2v2 or 3v3. 1v1 may seem too small (well not really), but 4v4 would most likely be cramped, but supported. I also made this suitable for all the main gametypes, but i'd also like TS and KotH. The weapons are possibly unbalanced [im not the best with weapon placement], but here is the weapon set - Rocket launcher (180s;0clip) at the top box of the map in mid - custom OS (180;not at start) at the bottom in the corner by the thick pillar - mauler (120;1) in the little room towards the middle of longshore - brs/carbs/nades self explanitory And here are the screenshots: Overview 1 [/img] Overview 2 [/img] Overview of Bottom [/img] Mauler Room [/img] And that's all there is to it. I've gotten a request to ghost merge all the boundary boxes to make them color coded, and I'm sorry, im a lazy-ass. I have not much time to forge and im in the process of making another map, far better than the others, but im lazy on that too. Anyways, hope you enjoy what i brought from longshore. Download MLG Docks