Map Name MLG Deception Download MLG Deception Map creator LIAMHAY1994 Supported Gametypes MLG CtF, MLG Team Slayer, MLG Oddball and MLG KoTH Game Variants MLG TS V5 MLG BALL V5 MLG KING V5 MLG CTF PIT V5 Game Variants here Map Description MLG Deception (Created by me, LIAM HAY1994) is a quick energetic Symmetrical MLG map. The best gametypes for the map are MLG Team Slayer and MLG CtF. With side alleys, lots of cover and spread out weapon set, there is action behind every twist and turn of the map. About Me and the Map This is my first go at a Competitive map. The map has heaps of interlocking and is pretty much clean walking all over. The Forging 101 techniques (From Forgehub) I have used are --------*Floating Platforms and Objects* --------*Effective Spawn placement* --------*Objective based items Basics* --------*Interlocking Objects* --------*Merging Immovable Objects with map Geometry* and no, this map does not have the *Unlimited Budget Glitch* My Budget left over from finishing my map was exactly $0 so I fit as many things as I could that wouldn't destroy the gameplay. Grenade Set Plasma Grenades x8 - Respawn Time = 30 seconds Fragmentation Grenades x4 - Respawn Time = 30 seconds Weapon Set Battle Rifles x10 - Respawn Time = 10 seconds - 2 spare clips Covenant Carbines x2 - Respawn Time = 90 seconds - 2 spare clips Maulers x1 - Respawn Time = 120 seconds - 1 spare clip Plasma Pistol x1 - Respawn Time = Never - No Clips (Its Plasma,remember) N O W O N T O T H E S C R E E N Y S By the way I couldn't go past the picture limit to show you where everything is but you will just have to look hard. I am sorry, but if you want to see all the pics i have taken hen just go to my Bungie screenshot viewer which is here. I will say it again. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Over View 1 Over View 2 Base B, From Bunker Red Base, Front Red Base, Right Blue Base, Front Blue Base, Right Walkthrough Box 1 BR Bridge, Base B, Blue Side A Base BR Steps, With Frag Grenades Covenant Carbine Spawn, Main Structure Door Cover Mauler Spawn B Base Bunker Man Cannon Bridge Plasma Spawn (Plasma Grenades and Plasma pistol) Geo Merged Open Box, Frag Grenade and Plasma Grendade BR to the Right of Blue Base, Left to the Red Base Thanks and remember to leave feedback, rate and most importantly download. DOWNLOAD MLG DECEPTION Created By LIAM HAY1994 Thanks for your time and effort clicking on the link to my map. liamjedimaster A.K.A LIAM HAY1994
looks great. but i recommend more cover on the ground. it looks really easy to get killed by a BR down there.
nah once you're playing you will realise that there is plenty of cover and thanks for the feedback too. by the way guys i commented this on Bungie aswell
This can't really officially be considered MLG because it is not symmetrical, but really this looks great. Are the weapon settings MLG? 4.5/5 Because of it not necessarily being symmetrical and some interlocking is off.
Yeah Thanks Zander The Map does have MLG weapons. i said it in the description. and where is it not symmetrical in the map by the way? keep on Posting. lol
I really like this map, even with so much interlocking and couple geo-merging, your map looks very neat and clean. I'll download and tell you what I think of the game play. Good job. DOWNLOADED
yes Thanks you have the nicest criticism yet!! tahnkyou and i would love it if you tested the gameplay. it is a really quick action packed map. please keep on posting. liamjedimaster
Haha I've been waiting for a good community map all day! This is excellent, and I shall DL and see how I likes to play on it. LOOKS: 5/5 BTW don't double post. You may quote once on your own map, but don't keep posting like that. Send them a message.
It looks fun but somewhat bare... maybe place a few things on the ground and the map will be superb! I really like that big picture up top I like the name too...
please read what MLG use before you make a MLG map. MLG do NOT use fusion coils. im sure with a bit more time on your map you could have a superb MLG map.
Looks aweseome but not really mlgish. Alot of interlocking involved also so good job with that Couldve been cleaner though. I give it a 3.8/5
I like that "walkthrough box" very good map overall, but it's a bit hard to look at the center structure. not that it's ugly, i just can't figure it out. perhaps if i tested it in-game. gj on the map, possibly brush it up if you have time 4/5
I think you should add a little bit more cover on the grounds near the bases but maybe not. This map looks awesome but in somes spots it looks a little messy. 4/5
Same what everyone else said. Nice ideas, cool interlocking, just a tad neater and cleaner. Definitely some unique ideas in there i'd really just have to see how it plays. 3/5
Geo merge would help this map in many ways, but great concept and model for what could be a great map. Neatness: 3/5 Creativity: 4/5 Game Play: 3/5 Bottom Line: 3/5
The use of fence walls makes it look so busy and a bit confusing. If I'm not mistaken MLG do not use fusion coils. ALthought the layout and such are very MLG like, a lot of it is a bit crooked, if you ever plan on doing another MLG map, you'll have to spend a lot of time making sure there are no visible bumps.
thanks guys for the constructive criticism liamjedimaster PS:Yes linubidix, i am making a new MLG map and i will take precautions and more time on it.
looks cool, a good amount of cover and differant levels, some places could hav been interlocked but still pretty good
i love this map but why does it have to be MLG i hate MLG i never play it my favrite bit on the map is Walkthrough Box 1 i think you did that so well done it is amazing the, Covenant Carbine Spawn, Main Structure i think it is a bit not sloppy but it doesn't really go with the map