MLG Darkness (help needed) I am making a map called MLG Darkness which is a symmetrical map that has two floating bases on each side and a circular base in the middle with diagonal floating walkways on each side. I already have the two bases almost finished and the wall that blocks off half of the mapp almost completed. I would like for this map to be very good and maybe even get featured(hopefully). So I will be needing anybody that is very experienced in forging and can use all of the techniques in forging to their advantage. Thank you for your time and i would love to have your help!!
Would you please post pictures of the map so far? That way, many of the more experienced forgers can get an idea for the layout of the map and possibly think of ways to improve upon it before actually going into forge with you. Many people find that planning out their maps helps them.
I was in your group but you never invited me.Just invite me over live if you need help.My gt is my user name,XSn1p3 X0utX