MLG CONSTRUCT O I believed that the Construct used in the playlist MLG today is a little too open, with no *Spaz*. I added 4 new platforms(one for custom, one on each end for CTF, and Mauler spawn). I added 2 new hills for KOTH, replacing hill on right side and one down in sniper spawn. Ts is the same. There is now oddball. Finally there is a CTF gametype available. MLG TEAM SLAYER, MLG TEAM KOTH, MLG TEAM CTF, MLG TEAM BALL Weapons: Br x 8, 10 sec 2 Sp. Clips Cov. Carb. x 4, 30 sec 2 Sp. Clips Mauler x 1,150 sec 1 Sp. Clip Rocket x 1, 180 sec 1 Sp. Clip Sniper x 1, 180 sec 1 Sp. Clip Plasma Pist. x 1, 90 sec PowerUps: Active Camo x 1, 180 sec no spawn at start (Spawns where Custom used to) Custom x 1, 180 sec spawn at start Sniper Spawn(Drop) Camo Snipe Hill Hall Hill Plat 1 Plat 2 Maul Spawn Custom Spawn Rocket Spawn(drop) I also added a small but sometimes useful Jump I HAVE NOT TESTED YET!!! I NEED TESTERS I WILL BE ABLE TO TEST THIS WHOLE WEEKEND SO HIT ME UP! One of my first forges so please be critical but nice danke
You posted your pics wrong. You need to embed your screenshots from Fix it be4 the loyals come. By the way, nice job. I haven't seen a Construct map in a long time.
i have to say kudos for making a map thats not on sandbox. making new weapons and locations on these maps can occasionally ,make them alot funner. just make sure you put on several pictures of the new locations and weapons.
i will but i don't exactly understand why i have to embed the pics from haloscreenschots. i need help on how to also.
Just go to and enter your gamertag. Then click on an image that you want to embed, and the copy and paste the BBcode into this thread. That is all you have to do to embed an image on Forge Hub! If you have any more questions just vm/pm me.
Well tbh its good to see you had issues w/ MLG's placemnts, as even they are not perfect, but i fell your placements of many things such as hills and weapons and powerups werent much better. First off having CP and camo on the same map can be troublesome by making the map too powerful. I also am having trouble with your placement of the power weapons. Spawning rockets in back sword give them too much cover, especialy for the most powerful weapon on Construct. A weapon like that should be placed more in a more open spot, with many routes to and from them, which is exactly what sword spawn doesnt have. I do like the sniper down low in basement, but putting camo there as well was a bad idea. Having both sniper and camo at the same spawn time might make basement a bit too powerful. Also camo on a map that has rockets and supports hill is also typically a bad idea. I'm also slightly confused by the mauler spawn, it offsets the balance at the start of the game and a close combat weapon such as mauler would be too overpowering at the top of open or closed lift. I also have issues with your placement of CP, you placed it at easily the most open spot on the map to put a power item, and with the glitch in CP where it gets burnt if you pick up after taking damage it is wasted, now having CP on old rockets will most likely result in it being burnt nearly everytime. Try putting it in a spot thats easily accessable but yet still has enough to cover where one can wait and let thier shields recharge. I'm also curious to how it now supports flag, even with the added platform (which i do like btw). And your 2 new hill spots are also too covered, hill should be easily seen from most anywhere on the map, but should still be near structures in which you can set up around. Also where does PP spawn..?
yeah i was having doubts about custom and mauler, but i would never expect people to hate invis. the thing invis doesn't start right away. so in the beginning of the game the focus is up top, and then 3 minutes into it the focus is about basement. in the old one i felt that you always needed to be up top that there was nothing special in basement except for custom which spawns every three minutes. i probably will take invis out, either replace that spot with snipe, and putrockets on the platform or even take out the platform. the maule..... idk what im gonna do with that, ill put mauler in sword. thanks for your criticism. i love it BTW I STILL HAVEN'T EVEN TESTED THIS, SO IF ANYONES INTERESTED MESSAGE "OMFG Im Booth"