Hey guys. First post here on FH so be gentle okay? lol This map is something that me and a couple friends put together. The map consists of an elevated platform/base area with a catwalk-type setup around the map perimeter. There's rockets and a mauler, along with a bunch of BR's and a few carbines with your standard grenades. Kind of a close-quarters, so it would be best suited for a 3v3 or maybe a doubles match, I'll let you guys be the judge. So without further ado, here is Conquest
Welcome to Forgehub! First off the map has a great design, just might wana fill in the empty areas with a few cover spots or barrels. An most of the double boxes you might wana turn them over, if you make a V2. It just makes the flooring with double boxes less bumpy, and more smoother. And last thing i wana help you on, when you post map's, it's good to list the gametypes it can use, a weapons list. -->optional ~Strong points, and weak points~ <--. For your first post you did great, 4/5 : ) Keep it up ! Edit: Sorry, i must of read over this. "Kind of a close-quarters, so it would be best suited for a 3v3 or maybe a doubles match" My bad :3
Map looks great I'll download it, but you should change the over shield with a custom power up cause mlg doesn't use over shields. I'll let you know what I think when I play it.
Doesn't look a that bad, although a little sloppy in some places. Some major changes you should are to the weapons. Just from the pictures, I see , an Overshield and Machine Gun Turret. Neither are MLG Weapons, so you should probably change them. I would also recommend adding some cover on the ground level of the map, as it looks very open.
Thanks for your comments so far guys. Question about the custom powerup/OS. If I change it to a custom powerup will the MLG game variants automatically dictate that the powerup acts as an OS or will I have to set it up that way? Also, I was thinking about the pit when I placed the turret, because I thought they left it on the map, but after I went back and checked I see it's gone so that will be switched. As far stuff that looks sloppy, what exactly do you guys think needs to be fixed? I know the interlocking on the catwalk needs to be redone, but other than that what is there? Keep the comments coming, guys and thanks again!
i know that MLG team slayer has the custom power-up settings already done, so i guess all of the other MLG gametypes do too. I'm playing this map right now, and I can get out of the map, so you should block it off better
Lots of fun to play, we had alot of fun making this map, we'll probably make a v2 with more cover and making sure you can't get out. we'll post if we do. check out our other maps too. Threeway Claustrophobia
Ok if u still haven't gotten a full answer ya the custom works as a 3x over in all mlg gametypes. And for the map nice work 4.5/5 I realy like how you pulled off three floors not too many foundry maps do this well. You also have interlocking which is something that has been increasingly ignored in mlg maps lately. Very smooths floors so very smooth gameplay good work