MLG Condemned

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Fanatic 66, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    MLG Condemned v2

    Condemned v2.1
    Created by Fanatic 66

    Canvas: Foundry
    Gametypes Supported: FFA, Team Slayer, CTF, and King of the Hill
    Recommended Players: 2-8

    Condemned is a symmetrical, 2-base map meant for MLG games. Yeah, I know symmetrical 2-base MLG maps aren’t original but Condemned is unique.

    As you can see in the top center is a custom powerup, but it’s not an overshield. Instead the custom powerup is a damage amplifier. When you pick it up your damage modifier increases to 150% for 30 seconds. Essentially this makes the BR require 3 headshots to kill, grenades instant kill, and the mauler instant kill if you are close enough. The only downside is that your spartan’s color changes to black so anyone can tell you have the damage amp by looking at you.

    So when you download Condemned please download the gametypes too (link is at the bottom along with the map link) in order for the powerup to work.

    Besides the damage amp in the top center, there is a mauler directly below it, and a plasma pistol inside each double open box next to the grav lifts. Of course there are the usual BRs, carbines, and grenades on the map too (all using MLG regulated respawn times).

    6 BRs (10 sec respawn)
    2 Carbines (90 sec respawn)
    4 Frags (30 sec respawn)
    4 Plasma ‘nades (30 sec respawn)
    1 Mauler (2 min respawn)
    2 Plasma Pistols (90 sec respawn)
    1 Custom Powerup “Damage Amplifier” (2 min respawn)

    All of the spawns are in or near cover to help against spawn killing. And to work against Foundry’s horrible spawning system I have implemented spawn areas to prevent spawn killing also.

    The hill order during KOTH is top Aàtop of red baseàtop Bàtop of blue base.

    There is also a Free for All version of Condemned but I had to take it off my fileshare due to space issues. If anyone wants it just tell me and I'll send it to you.

    Changes for v2:

    -All bridges leading to structures were flipped right side up to prevent any bumps when walking over them.
    -Walls added on sides of bases for cover.
    -One spawn taken from the pair of spawns at each top lift (now there is only one spawn) because the spawn was not covered.
    -Doors in front of each "empty" corner were removed.
    -"Empty" corners were changed dramatically. The dumpster were moved up and spawns behind the dumpsters were removed. A corner wall was merged into the wall in each corner to give more cover. You can also jump ontop of each corner wall via merged window panel. There is also a merged vertical door ontop of each corner wall to provide cover as well.

    v2.1 Changes:

    -Moved windowpanels slightly to make it easier to jump onto the corner walls.
    -Added more respawn areas (see Ender's Guide to Spawns on MLG forge forums) to create better spawning.

    Overview of Condemned
    Red Side
    Blue Side
    A Side
    B Side

    Red Lift
    Red Corner
    Blue Lift

    Red Base 1 to Red Corner
    Blue Base 1 to Blue Corner

    Download Condemned v2.1


    Download MLG Condemned TS
    Download MLG Condemned CTF
    Download MLG Condemned KOTH

    Please download and leave feedback.
    #1 Fanatic 66, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
  2. MetalDog84

    MetalDog84 Ancient
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    Beautiful Map but im geting sick of all the two bases and bridge in the middle symetrical maps
  3. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    Thank you!

    I spent a while on this map because its my first one I posted on ForgeHub.
  4. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    this isnt "unique" its basically onslaught but worse, to much open space in the corners witch are most likely where you are gonna spawn
  5. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    The reason I said its unique is because of the Damage Amplifier powerup, which very few, if any, maps have.

    Let me list the differences between Condemned and Onslaught besides the obvious geometry differences:
    -Damage Amplifier
    -Plasma Pistols
    -Grav lifts
    -Plays King of the Hill

    Now about the cover, there's as much cover as most MLG foundry maps. In the "open" corners there are only 2 respawn points.

    If you're going to criticize my map, give me some specific constructive criticism. Not fact-less criticism like "its a crappy version of onslaught."
    SVD Zero likes this.
  6. Deathhawk7

    Deathhawk7 Ancient
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    Looks great! Only issue I see is no quick way to get from bottom mid to top mid. And Bottom mid should have more cover. Putting in cover (like the two corner walls merged, on Amplified) where those spots are.
  7. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments, I appreciate them.

    On the issue of going from bottom to top mid, there are several ways to get up. Pictures can only show so much I'm afraid.

    There is an upside down door (used for cover) on each side on the floor in front of the empty corners. By jumping off the top of the doors you can barely make it to top mid. You can also use the dumpsters around A/B structures to jump up to the bridges leading to top mid.

    I intended to keep the top mid harder to access to make it a power position on the map.

    On the issue of cover, I'll consider adding more, but honestly I don't think it needs more. Maybe the pictures don't do it justice, but if you walk around on the map, the amound of cover is fine. If I get more complaints about it though I'll add some more in.
  8. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    looks very nice. im glad to see an mlg map that supports koth. about the damage modifier. i think that that's an original idea it just doesn't seem very mlgish. i am going to dl the map but not the gametype, and just keep it as os. nice map does seem a tad bit open but come on its mlg.
  9. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    yea man, he totally interlocked. are you paying attention? lol

    i'm not personally a fan of mlg, but this looks like one of the better ones. i really like the custom powerup idea too, but do you get out after you grab it?
  10. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    That's the fun part ; )

    Just kidding. The point of it being in the center is too discourage simple charges for the powerup. You might grab but you're going to die quick.

    Instead, if its a team game, your team has to take out at least half of the other team before even considering getting the powerup. If its FFA, you have to take advantage of the situation and be a sneaky beaver.
  11. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Nice map, It has a mixture of an Onslaught and Amplified feel. You put some good cover in there. I like the ideas you put in this one, so here is a 5/5
  12. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    Thanks! At least one other person thinks there's enough cover.
  13. xXdrewbaccaXx

    xXdrewbaccaXx Ancient
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    Why would you need to have a gametype to go for it that doesn't follow MLG settings, if it's an MLG map?
  14. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    The only difference between Condemned settings and MLG settings is the custom powerup traits.
  15. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    nice layout, my only problem with this map is that A and B tower are too strong with those corner walls protecting most of their body.
  16. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    The corner walls only act as cover if you crouch, which makes you more vulnerable. So for example, if you duck to recover your shields you're giving your oppenent an oppurtinity to charge you because you're not firing back. Your oppenent can also bounce a frag/nade off the back wall to land right at your feet too.

    The corner walls serve as cover but its certainly not impossible to kill someone hiding behind them.
  17. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    I added three more pictures on the first page to show the bottom part of the bases and lifts/corners. Hopefully this shows even if you spawn at the corner you have plenty of cover to go to (both dumpsters, underbase, and top base).
  18. Sweat Tomato

    Sweat Tomato Ancient
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    Wow, nice for your first forge map on ForgeHub. I wish I could say the same for mine... anyways it looks pretty good for a MLG map, a little to spacey, but some cover is good. Nice job. 4/5
  19. c4rb1n3 pro

    c4rb1n3 pro Ancient
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    Looks freakin awsome, I love playing custom MLG games and this is another map that I will be playing with my friends. Nice interlocking, like the geomerging, the only thing i don't like is the grav-lifts. Otherwise it is a great map. I rate 4.5/5. If anyone wants to play MLG customs just send me a game inv.

  20. Fanatic 66

    Fanatic 66 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback from everyone!

    I am almost done with v2 of this map but I don't know how to post it. Is there a way to edit the thread title so I can put v2 in it?

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