Sandbox MLG Bide

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by j0llyfish, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. j0llyfish

    j0llyfish Forerunner

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    MLG Bide

    Download Link:

    IMPORTANT: If you aren't going to read the thread, at least know that this is a 2v2 or 3v3 map, and is simply not big enough for more players. It is also only set up for Team Slayer (no objective or FFA), leave a reply if you would like me to create any of those things.

    And now, an intro.

    Snipers. Rockets. Battle Rifles. These weapons are the backbone of Halo 3, and is part of what makes MLG possible. They are what any seasoned player runs for off each spawn, and will attain by any means possible. With MLG so popular, it owes its fame to these weapons. And, as with any map in this subforum, this one revolves around and promises fun with the sniper, rockets, and the BR. But, there is more behind Bide's walls than meets the eye...

    As every MLG map brags about, Bide has supreme and perfect ghost-merges with almost every piece, has drop spawns, puts into use spawn areas, has several jumps for interesting gameplay, and has been thoroughly tested. But, Bide features a completely original map design, away from the hundreds of maps out there exactly like Amplified, Onslaught, or Heretic. Bide uses hallways and rooms, and isn't about controlling towers, but rather teamwork and flanking to cut off enemy routes.

    This map features an entirely new take on MLG, and not in a bad way. Everyone involved in testing this map has always come back for more, and has graciously pestered me for the completion of it. Here are a few reasons why:

    Long halls and big rooms for sniping and BR pros
    -Snipe Hall

    -White Hall

    -Rocket Room

    Short halls for easy getaways, or flanks

    -Blue Hall

    -Blue 2

    -Red Corner

    As you can see, this map has many aspects that provides interesting gameplay, but I will let you decide that.

    Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Weapons on map:
    Carbine: x2, 150 secs., 3 clips (Blue Corner, Red Corner)
    Sniper: x1, 150 secs., 3 clips (Snipe Hall)
    Mauler: x1, 180 secs., 3 clips (Bottom mid)
    Rockets: x1, 180 secs., 1 clip (Rocket Room)
    Frag Grenades: x2, 30 secs. (Rocket Room)
    Plasma Grenades: x4, 90 secs. (Red Base, Blue Base)

    Youtube video, shows callouts and map layout. Comment on it please : )

    YouTube- Halo 3 Forged Map (MLG Bide) Selenyde

    I would also like to note that this is my first map, so (a little) constructive criticism would be appreciated, on the thread, video, and obviously the map. Thanks for reading, I really think that you could enjoy this map!

    Download Link:
    #1 j0llyfish, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
  2. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    as every mlg map brags about, they also have DL links

    The map definitely looks original, but i wanna check it out in person
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Okay.......... The backbone of MLG is the Battle Rifle. Period. No other weapon is as competitive, ESPECIALLY not the rocket launchers. Snipers dont gain MLG any fame or success, rockets most definatly dont gain MLG any fame or success. MLG owes **** to anything, except for the highly skilled players who take part in it making it so damn competitive. So, you have a good MLG map if it flows, and if its competitive. No map should be created around power weapons, in fact the best MLG maps dont even really have power weapons (ONSLAUGHT) except for those that will not overpower the game. Any map that focuses around weapons, will fail.

    Okay, done with that. Now lets talk about the extreme lack of a DOWNLOAD LINK. Sorry bud, but my only impression of your map is that it appears to be sloppy from the pictures and it is weapons based so it will most likely fail.

    Get that link up there now, you can imbed it by going to your fileshare and copying the url, then pasting it with this bbcode; [noparse]Download Here[/noparse] The giant space should be replaced with the link you copied. ​
  4. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    The map itself looks rather sloppy, and as mentioned above incredibly weapon based.
    Also be careful using wood in MLG maps especially as grenades do NOT bounce off them, just a tip.
  5. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Agreed, some parts do look slopy but I cannot tell if it was on purpose or not...

    Also with the wood as benny said, can be a bad move when playing game, objective such as flag can slip through or as he said, have grenades not bounce off the floor.
  6. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
    Senior Member

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    Please, do your research

    Some bulleted point to help you out
    • mlg is not a sub-genre

    • mlg maps support a competitively proven static gametype line-up

    • by today's mlg standards: real MLG circuit candidates have to play as good or better than bungie endorsed maps. I.e. assembly, citadel etc. before anything is even considered.

      -how is this point relative?
      When map making is benchmarked against forges four main limitations to beat the first tiered maps, how exactly would you plan on doing that with what people have already done two and a half years ago? (amplified, lockdown, onslaught)

    • sub-point relevant to the one above

      -There are only two maps that I know of that have graduated the MLG pro player associations testing that are not on the circuit (reminder: standards change over time): Hexogen and Halcyon, but people don’t want to hear that

    • -sub-sub-point relevant to the one above

      -v8 played well at Orlando, which ultimately dictated those maps from generating a version nine circuit gametype rotation, which both featured more than brs in their weapons set

    • -super-subidy-sub-point

      -thus v8 was locked despite mlg's official forges success [having a total of 7 people who would be credited with that success if v9 had happened (5 people at v8) proving forges capabilities]

    • the concluding point is mlg forging is not just about foundry/arena styled two basers that only support brs. that's been done before and mlg forgers are not just governed by that. When we create maps I imagine thats how it is to forge across all genres of maps - to be innovative, static gametype or not

    • mlg may never get the credit they deserve

    The map looks interesting and creative. If the link gets up I will download. I can't wait to play it.
  7. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think the point Death Yo-Yo was trying to make is that MLG maps built entirely around the weapons tend to fail. For the most part, this is true. Building a map entirely around the weapons on it tends to distract a builder from his duties related to other parts of the map (Spawns, Flow, Map Controlability).

    I would review this map on more than it's pictures, but there doesn't seem to be a link... : (
    #7 Hogframe, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    That is exactly what i meant Fritzer, and im confused as to why i was given a list pertaining mostly to things that had nothing to do with my comment. I never said anything about ANYTHING other than 'maps built around weapons tend to fail', and 'you need to build your weapons around your maps instead.'

    SOOOOOO............................................... yeah.
    Anyway, this map isnt even in the guys fileshare, i just checked. And its almost been 24 hours so its getting borderline :lock: which is dissapointing, because it looks like he worked hard on it. So hurry with that link dude!
  9. j0llyfish

    j0llyfish Forerunner

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    I'm so sorry about not putting up the download link. If you really want to know, when I started this thread I looked up and realized that I was almost late for work, yet posted what I had so far so I didn't lose it. I will have the download link shortly.

    And on that note, I would also like to say that the thread is only about half done.

    And to anyone who decided that my map was based on weapons, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean for it to seem like that, but I was just trying to create an interesting beginning paragraph to implore readers to continue, and in no way did I mean to insinuate that Bide is based on weapons.

    And one thing which I never got to put in the thread yet is that this is my first map I've ever made, as well as my first ever forgehub post. I did not think it would get criticized as much as it did, and I'm sorry if I made anyone believe anything that wasn't true.

    As for fixing the post, I do not have a computer right now, and I'm on an iPod touch, but I will try my hardest. In the mean time, the map is in the first slot in my fileshare on

    Also, there is a YouTube video up for this map, with the download link in the description. Just search "halo 3 selenyde".

    And for the people who do get the chance to try out the map, you might notice that it's not perfect, that this is my first map, and haven't even heard of some of the things you guys are saying. Basically I threw this map together, tested it for bad spawns, and that's it. Like I said, my friends liked it a lot, and I hope you enjoy it too, but I didn't know it would be taken so seriously.

    So again, I would like to say sorry for any inconvenience, and I hope to fix the thread in a while.
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Nah, its not an incovenience at all. I enjoy playing peoples maps and helping them get better, so dont worry about that. I should apologize to you for not understanding the meaning of the post, not the other way around. Anyway, congrats on your first map jolly!

    Its not that your map specifically is being heavily criticized, its that all of the maps are ;)
  11. j0llyfish

    j0llyfish Forerunner

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    Lol well thanks for the clarification, I was sitting here thinking everyone hated me. And btw to anybody interested, my gt is "Selenyde" on
  12. ENvUS

    ENvUS Forerunner

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    I downloaded this map a few weeks ago off of Selenyde's fileshare and im not going to lie it has been very fun for my friends and I. We really like to play a lot of 2v2s and 1v1s. The map is very competitive and requires a lot of strategy. Controlling certain areas is a big part of winning on this map. If anyone would like to play with or against me on this map send me a message you will have a blast. It is one of the most fun forged maps I have ever played.
  13. j0llyfish

    j0llyfish Forerunner

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    Yes! I was FINALLY able to finish the thread, so check it out, check out the map, and leave feedback! Thanks so much, i look forward to hearing from you guys!
  14. Mattitiyahoo

    Mattitiyahoo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Some parts of this map do look sloppy, but the layout definitly deserves some credit. Flanking positions, hallways and tons of positions that look really good. I wouldn't count this out.

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