ARTIFACT v2 BY CYDRONIX AND BLAKBASTUD9 Recently I released a version one of my newest map, MLG Artifact, so, this is my newest version. I added a basement level to it to add a fourth route. The remake took about 3 hours to complete. Custom powerup spawns 2 minutes into a match. I made man-cannon lifts on each side that work correctly 90% of the time, they mirror the mancannon lifts on Narrows. Weapons: Battle Rifle x7 Sniper Rifle x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenades x6 Custom Powerup x1 (Spawns 2 min. into game) Active Camo x1 (180 seconds) Trophy Shot Full Map View Rock Spawn Blue Base Red Base Base Jump Custom Powerup Spawn New Camo Section Camo Entrance Camo, #2 View Overview Long View Download MLG Artifact v6, Click Here! Thanks! RECOMMENDED FOR MLG NARROWS CTF.
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into this map. Beautifully built, aesthetically pleasing, but i think you should stick to 1 powerup. I think overshield and camo is a little bit of overkill(or leave them both and take off rockets).
Very good, better than all of the other versions. It has really nice interlocking and a solid layout. Good job
I think there is two things that you can change. 1. It's too dark 2. It's too bumpy. If you make those changes it will way more enjoyable to play.
One criticism, if at the start of the game, both teams go for sniper, the camo stops both players from shooting each other. I think this would slow down the inital pace of the game and personally I would hate being able to see an enemy but not being able to see them.
It's a little dark for MLG but other than that great. It's got all the right techniques merging etc. I am also not shure about the two snipes and rockets but it works on the pit so you got my DL 4.5/5