Well then don't snap at the hand that's feeding you, Jesus Christ. From his first post Lightz was obviously trying to help you to see what proper MLG maps require. He provided you with a list of things that were not fitting for an MLG map. Instead of answering "I never said it was an official MLG map," showing no appreciation of Lightz's attempt to help you, a "Thank you, I'll take what you said into consideration and change the name until I think it's suitable to be labelled MLG" would have been appropriate. By saying what you said, shows a lack of respect and that you don't want help, but only feel the need to try to prove him out of his well stated point. Reading through the thread, I'm beginning to wonder if you even know what MLG really is, besides what you've seen in the MM playlist. If this is the case please educate yourself here, and then come back to do what Lightz was civilized enough to do, and apologize.
In my opinion, he can name it what he wants can't he? Does Major League Gaming fully own rights to the three letters 'M' 'L' & 'G' Put together? Is it REALLY that big of a deal? If the explanation is that 'The Arena' is overused, it makes sense, I don't think it's a big deal though, so can we focus on the map? I think it looks good, and I'll probably download later on when I delete some of my own stuff.