crazy map! good job, I really like the unique structures, I especially like how you used the scaffold in the middle structure. Very creative
Yo this is by far the best version i have seen. The new aesthetic touches are awesome indeed. Keep up the good work dude.
man it looks like u took as much time to make the post itself as the actual map. Both the post and the map look awesome
thanks guys glad you like it. i just hope the lack of objective based games dont turn people away. i tryed to make the map as good looking as possible without loosing too much replay value. its a great map for 2v2-4v4 mlg slayer. on the plus side you can always download Angles v2.1 for ctf and assault.
I don't play a lot of MLG, but when i saw the pictures of this map, i downloaded it that second and tried it out, And to little suprise, the gameplay was incredible everything felt balanced and lets not forget that the asthestics alone are amazing! Keep these maps comin'. 5/5