MLG MLG Amplified

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CamPer KinG, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    MLG Amplified
    Forged by AoV CamPer KinG

    -MLG Team Slayer
    -MLG Oddball
    -MLG Bomb
    -MLG CTF (Zeal)
    -MLG King of the Hill

    Weapons on map:
    -8 DMRs
    -4 Needler Rifles
    -4 Frag Grenades
    -6 Plasma Grenades
    -1 Plasma Pistol

    -2 Medkits

    total Budget used:



    I didn't spend so much time creating this map but I submitted it much later. First of all I would like to thank Fritzter and Zakboo for building the Halo 3 Version of this amazing map, which provided so many nailbiting and tiebreaking games in MLG Matchmaking and Procircuit. My Inspiration to creating it was the MLG Pro tips feature for Reflection where it says, that Reflection plays similar to Amplified and I thought the only map that plays equal to Amplified is the symmetrical Amplified itself. So I wanted to get all this awesome Halo 3 Slaying action paste into Halo Reach... and it works even if sprint speeds up the gameplay. I figured out that the well known jumps still work like the Back-Bubble-to-Tower-Jump or getting Gold 3 is very easy. I also paste the same spawns and altered the spawnsystem a bit by a respawnzone located bottom mid including the whole map instead of 4 different respawnareas like it was in Halo 3. The single coverelements and the height of the bases are adapted to the proportions of the game. This map became an overall MLG Halo 3 classic so it would be smart to insert it into the playlist because the gameplay of all pros and joes is already appropriated on this map but I think it should be further develop than stop because of a gamechange.

    The map is now updated to v3.3
    #1 CamPer KinG, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
    Fritzster likes this.
  2. rjgladysiewicz

    rjgladysiewicz Forerunner

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    Definitely one of the more accurate remakes of this map but there seems to be some serious problems with screen lag. I understand it's difficult to attain certain shapes used in Halo 3 (like top Gold plat) but using the Wall Doubles is going to cause intense screen lag in the middle of the fast paced action.

    Instead of using 2 column pieces to recreate the dumpsters on top purple try using a 2x1 flat. It costs $90 less and significantly cuts down on screen lag. For the columns embedded into the wall on mid-gold I'd recommend using a 1x1 Tall and Thin. It gives a larger surface area to stand on and is closer to the dumpster pieces used in the H3 version.
  3. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    nice remake it is built soomth from what what i can see from pictures good job
    is there a sniper rifle on the map?
    does it support infection?
  4. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    We tested the map multiple times and also with the focus on screenlag and in this case it's not a problem at all even if there is some action going on in the middle. Anyway the stock of Building Blocks is empty so I can't use them any more and I also don't want to change these blocks because this affects the style of the map like I wish it should be.

    Edited by merge:

    1. No there are enough Sniper Rifles on other MLG maps and it's all about DMR and Needler Rifle skills and Teamshot.

    2. If you search for Infection maps, you are following the wrong Threat showcase. This map does only support MLG Team Slayer.
    #4 CamPer KinG, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  5. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I'll wait for Fritzster to remake his map, thanks. Too many great Forgers have failed to capture the gameplay this map created, and I'd rather not download another map just for it to be the same as all the others.

    A seemingly good attempt, and I respect that attempt, but only the original creator would be able to make a perfectly accurate remake of this map.
  6. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    I can see your point but I think Fritzster won't do it because he thinks MLG wants to have something different from our known maps like all the other "Pro-Forgers" think for example Salot with his Onslaught remake, which I don't like because of the noobtube and evade as well as the missing mid Tower if you know what I mean. Fritzster isn't a god. With the near to perfect Forging-abilities Bungie gave us, it isn't really hard to rebuild it and much better. You didn't deal with my map and that shows that your arguments have no value in order to trolling around the forgeforums and hurting the community.
    #6 CamPer KinG, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Fritzster is working on a new Amplified. I've already talked to him about this. I wouldn't say "I'll wait for Fritzster to remake this map" if I didn't already know he was remaking it. Also, I'm not trolling, I was simply stating that I believe Fritzster would know much more than the rest of the community what is best for his map. Lastly, will you show me where I described him as a "god"? I only was saying that he was a good forger, that's all. All I'm saying is that I won't download a map that people have failed to remake so many times just to end up with the same result.
    #7 4shot, Mar 15, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  8. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    So you say you know Fritzster. I want to hear him say that to me and see his version of a new Amplified. I'd just like to be critic because there is no proof if he doesn't announce anything of his work. If I knew that he wants to make a remake, I would not have made this one. I said Fritzster isn't a god to strengthen my arguments and get my point clear for you (hyperboly) but yes you think he is the best forger of all time when you say he knows much more than the rest of the community what is best for this map.That is the most naiv way you can think. Many people thought they know what is the best for their maps but they behave without including a feedback of the community like for example Bungie did. And finaly yes you are trolling around the MLG Forge forums because this postcase, in which you are reading right now, is open for feedbacks and critics AFTER viewing a map and ANALYSING it. Judge a Forger by his map, well that's ok but Judge a forger without even looking at his map just seems unqualified and wrong. To my mind Fritzsters map is just an idea on which I focused. The question is if he recreate his own map as perfect as I did.

    Edited by merge:

    Now I updated the map so there is no possibility of screenlag at all. This remake is now near to perfect symmetrical and fit into the gameplay.

    Edited by merge:

    Go and check out the updated version!

    Edited by merge:

    I fixed it right now and much more...

    Edited by merge:

    I updated it again. Now it also supports MLG Ball...
    #8 CamPer KinG, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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  10. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    Salot told me he will ask Fritzster for the go or do some team tests on But he also thinks it's very accurate :)
    #10 CamPer KinG, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011
  11. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to put down your map or anything, but I just want to see what Fritzster does with his version, then if that disappoints me, I will probably come back to this. I'm just gonna give it a wait and eventually download this version. Either as a comparison to Fritzster's new version or because it somehow was better than Fritzster's version. I will definitely download it, but not yet.
  12. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    All right I agree with you. I'm also curious and impatient to see what he does with his version. That's one of the reasons I built this one :)
    #12 CamPer KinG, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011

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