So I log onto halo today and I decide to check out the bungie favorites. What do I find? MLD. Major League Douching. I've got no clue what genious thought that slayer with an assault rifle and an smg would be bungie favorite worthy, but hey two close ranged weapons isn't that bad right? Wrong. They took up 4 spots on bungie favorites just to show how an smg can be so much more appealing of a secondary weapon than a battle rifle. What are your thoughts on this?
SMGs are tactical. I mean, everything in Halo 3 HAS to be competitive, right? MLD, HLG, JLG are all perfect examples. -_-
First off, you don't have to be an ass to a group that is meant to have a good time in Halo. Second, it's called Major League Driving. Why do you really care what the group decided to feature and maybe that's what they play! Download the gametype and maps, then play them. Maybe you can actually have fun instead of whining and complaining to people who really don't care if you like the gametypes on Bungie Favorites or not. What do you really expect? It's a gametype. The gametypes on Bungie Favorites are meant to go along with the maps provided right next to them.
Sounds like an acceptable alternative for MLG. Now if only they can create maps with more and better spawn killing and even more bland weapon layouts...
I sometimes think Bungie thinks they have a sense of humor. I don't find it very funny. But hey... someone likes it.
No offence to the authors of this bungie favorites group, but it's one of the worst bungie favorites I've seen. I mean one of the videos was a mongoose splatter... that's it... I got one later that day, so where's my spot on favorites? But in all seriousness, the maps are just a bunch of vehicles and man cannons, except for the foundry one. Also MLD is a gametype that takes almost no time to make. All you need to do is make splatters worth a point, add SMGs, sorry if I'm forgetting anything else but that's really all....
It may not be what you like, but i'm sure there is a lot of people who like that game type, so its not just you opinion that matters.
I know what you're saying. But I'm just questioning, why is something in favorites that anyone could make in 5 seconds? People may enjoy it, but they could've made that, it's just that simple of a game. Not to say that simple is bad but it seems like it took little effort to make.
Honestly not for sure. I have only heard things like, your map/game/film/screenshot needs to have a high rating, you need good connections with bungie, uhh.... Yeah that's all I've heard. Do you know how? Please let me know, I'm curious now haha.
MLD didnt get Bungie Favorites because of their "amazing" gametypes... They are the community spotlight this time for so they are entitled to pick their files that are displayed on favorites. They were probably chosen for being a group with a ton of people that all share an interest in driving and Bungie has probably never seen a Driving league get official. And ive seen much worse on Bungie Favs. There was a picture of a guy in all white armor on avalanche..... That is amazing? Ive playtested all of the Bungie Favs maps one week, I escaped every single map without having to grenade jump. There was no gametype that prevented escape by limiting gravity either.