mixing static and non static spawns, please help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Cryptic Ferret, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Cryptic Ferret

    Cryptic Ferret Promethean

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    I want to have static spawns on my map for ctf and slayer, as in, red always spawns on red side and blue always spawns on blue. When a gametype like oddball is loaded up, I would like the spawns to be non static so you can spawn anywhere on the map. How can I achive this? Does labeling a respawn zone do anything?
  2. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Respawn Zones do not lock players into their respective team assigned Respawn Zones as they did with Reach, so assigning a Respawn Zone over the CTF base is inadequate. What I am doing is assigning Respawn Points to teams within the bases or at least within any proximity to the flag. I am using neutral Respawn Points everywhere else.

    You can then use neutral Respawn Point along side the team assigned Respawn Points for Oddball and KOTH if you wish by setting their game type labels to those game types (you can select up to four game types per Respawn Point) and set the Specific Game Type flag to TRUE so that they are not used with CTF.

    Finally, you want to use Respawn Zones over your bases and label them CTF (and slayer if you wish) to drive where you team will spawn. But it isn't a guarantee that they will always spawn there. Enemy proximity can easily outweigh the Respawn Zone weight and drive players far away even outside their team's Respawn Zone. This is where the team assigned Respawn Points come in - they guarantee where the enemy will NOT spawn.
    #2 MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  3. Cryptic Ferret

    Cryptic Ferret Promethean

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    Thanks man. Very helpful.

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