Dear Forge Hub, I would like the admins to consider making mister hat a loyal member. Mister Hat has made (what I believe to be) great tutorials these tutorials have helped me personally make better maps. I've always wanted to know how to put lights on the bridges like thesilencebroken did on Vertebraille i have made this group Mister Hat for Loyal. If you support this reasonable cause please join the group and help make aware that Mister Hat deserves to receive loyal. Please join the group and help spread awareness that Mister Hat should receive loyal. __________________________________________________________________
For real you believe i deserve loyal that is very very kind. I thank every one who decides to let have the privilege of loyal.
Yea, I think he should too. I will join the group in a min and hope he will winzz. Good luck Hat!!!!!
I think that the mods will lock this thread. I also think that he deserves it too He helped me A LOT when I was forging (not with him)
I think that there are some people that are a bit more qualified for loyal than Mister Hat. Take nemihara for example. He doesn't even have loyal! I think that Mister Hat is pretty loyal because I've seen him help out a lot of people, but not enough to actually earn the title, which is A LOT harder to earn than people think.
Please moderators do not lock this thread there is freedom of speech you don't have to agree with it, but don't be mean. Ya nemihara deserves it, but i do know someone here that made a very helpful tutorial and got loyal for it he only had a little bit more than 100 post.
I dont think he deserves it yet, All the tutorials were simple and have been done before, He just made them simpler. Loyal is something you get for hard work constantly, not spamming tutorials
tutorials are no reason for loyal. they help attribute but loyal but you need to be active and helpful in all aspecks of the forum not just one subject. please report back with better information when and if it becomes avalible
I know someone who had two tutorials that were really good, but he had only about 150 posts on the website.
I'll I'm gonna say is, that this thread fails more than Dom. Reported for general uselessness. They're already considering who to put on the loyals list, and they can figure things out themselves. Campaigning will get you nowhere.
thank you nemi i didnt know wut to do so thank you for reporting but your right they know what they're doing and petitions never work anyway so....
Locking this thread is a little drastic. It doesn't deserve to be locked the mods can consider it or not, but don't lock it.