Sniped with a missle pod. <iframe src="" scrolling="no" style="padding:0;margin:0;border:0;" width="640" height="360" ></iframe> Sorry I dont know how to embed videos. But tell me what you think.
Funny snipe, but it doesn't even look like the guy even made an attempt at getting out of the way when he clearly took a glance at it and ignored the fact that there was a missile flying straight towards him.
Idk. He turns slightly to his left when looking around, but not enough to see the missile coming. He could only have seen it when he finally turns right in to its path, a split second before it hits.
Thats pretty nifty, but its been done before. Once i think i managed a bottom of construct (waaaaay botto, splazer spawn) up to closed ramp kill, but that was luck lol. I think this is the best planned one ive seen in a while. And at the scope thing; 2 comments. First, why the hell would you be on the hill with a battle rifle and NOT be scoped in? Second, you can here the scope thing; it rises in pitch instead of drops so he scopes in, and there is never a noise of him scoping out or any motion that would auto-scope out. Its in the first couple seconds of the clip.