Mission ODST

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Arctic Hunter, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    This is my gametype for Firefight. It is based off of Halo 3 ODST and uses aspects from ODST in the gameplay. The enemies are fairly the same as the weapons are selected by me for better gameplay and a variety of guns. Strategy also comes into play as each loadout is different and used depending on your skills. This gametype consists of only enemies from ODST which means no Skirmishers and Elites, but Hunters, Grunts, Jackals, and Brutes. You will receive Ordinance, but no extra ammunition. You radar will also be disconnected from time to time so you wont know when you getting shot at unless you have great vision. This is also suppose to be very hard to win. Surviving or completing the whole set are big challenges to accomplish.

    The Loadouts are...

    Primary Weapon: Magnum
    Secondary Weapon: Grenade Launcher
    Armor Ability: Sprint
    Description: This loadout was made for players who like running around being daredevils. First off, you have the Magnum. Quick firing and somewhat accurate this weapon can get you numerous headshots. Next you have the Grenade Launcher which is purely for explosions. It can take out many people at once with one shot with is great for clearing areas. The armor ability was chosen because of the loadout name, Intel. What I was going for this loadout was a run around type. This is also good for taking Ordinance and scavenging ammunition.

    Primary Weapon:DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle)
    Secondary Weapon: Magnum
    Armor Ability: Jetpack
    Description: This loadout is for players who like somewhat long range combat to close range combat. The DMR is high effective long range and then the Magnum for closer range. The DMR runs out of ammo fast though which is one negative thing about this loadout. What i see players doing with this loadout is staying back from battle or rushing into battle, so this loadout is perfect for anything. This loadout also has a jet pack for quick escapes and diversions. As you can see the name of it is Deceiver which is for getting the enemy to focus on you while you team mates are in trouble.

    Primary Weapon: Shotgun
    Secondary Weapon: Assault Rifle
    Armor Ability: Drop Shield
    Description: This loadout is for players who like that over powerful, close range combat. The Shotgun is highly effective close range as most of you know and the Assault Rifle is very good as well. Ammo is limited so make good use of it. Health also goes down fast so the Drop Shield is good for protection of enemies and recharging health. The Drop Shield may save you in many situations. The loadout got the name Guard from the close range combat for rescuing teammates and Drop Shield for protection.

    Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
    Secondary Weapon: Magnum
    Armor Ability: Active Camo
    Description: This loadout is for players who like headtshot after headshot after headshot. The Marksman class consists of a Ghillie at work. Sniper Rifle to make the Covenant cry at a distance is what this loadout is about. Active Camo is used for numerous things like escape, close combat assassinations, or just being a sniper. The Magnum is also good when you run out of ammo or you just want to be as sneaky as possible. The lack of Jetpack though means no secret spots, just hanging ledges over the map will have to do.

    Primary Weapon: Spartan Laser
    Secondary Weapon: Magnum
    Armor Ability: Armor Lock
    Description: The loadout is for players who feel the need they arent too much of a player to kill or but help, but are support or backup. Medic loadout means close combat, Magnum or Highpowered. laser your face off Spartan Laser. Armor Lock comes into play when you in that tough situation and cant get out. get into Armor Lock and call that teammate over. The Spartan Laser has a good amount of ammo so you wont need a new weapon for a while and the Magnum, well... yeah you gonna need a new one soon because those bullets decrease extremely fast.

    Hope you enjoy the gametype and have fun with your friends playing it!
  2. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Havent touched it yet, but ive DL'ed. The medic class is pretty messed up. If you plan to survive, you have to use Covvie weapons. I dont think the SL and Magnum really feel medic. Also, No Offense intended, but did you not remove the Elites and Skirmishers because you wanted it to be like ODST? Then why did you include the Grenade Launcher? I can understand why you added the DMR, but why the GL?
    Still, sounds pretty good. Any recommended map?
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    You right the Medic Class is different, but I tried to make it hard to survive. The whole point of that loadout is to be a backup, extra help kind of person. The loadouts are there for not being ODST but for some Reach put into it. The story is that you and your team of ODSTs have crashed on planet Reach and you have to adapt to their equipment fast, with no help from any other spartans. The Guns give the Reach feel as the enemies give the ODST feel. Anything more I would love to hear. Map I would reccomend, probably Corevette.
    #3 Arctic Hunter, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  4. a0puncfan

    a0puncfan Forerunner

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    i think you might have mixed up medic and something else. the medic should have the bubble shield...

    but otherwise, great varient! friends loved how the classes all worked well no matter which one you chose... except medic XD
  5. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You messed up the Armor abilities for Medic and Guard. Guard should have Armor Lock and Medic should have Drop Shield.
  6. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Agreed, this is coming from a medic. :)
  7. VMaikel

    VMaikel Forerunner

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    Link is broken

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