missile infection

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by torched frog, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. torched frog

    torched frog Ancient
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    After CC Pybus showed me the pros of forgeing on Tempest, I like i assume alot of people nearly forgot i had the map (bloody waste of money)

    So allthough most people cant play these maps because they are smart and held onto their money, surely one day bungie will stop making 5 dollars a week in map sales and release them for free, so it cant hurt to start messing about on them now.

    The map i am trying to make is a simple infection map with a small twist, the humans start off with an endless supply of frag grenades and it has self propelling flying propane tanks for the infected to dodge.

    its still in its sketching format but i think its at a stage that will give you a rough idea of what i'm trying to do and hopefully someone can help clear some headaces.

    The Tanks. Heated up by the big lazer that crosses the map

    is there any way to make them fly further?


    Taking off.

    a pattern of 1second spawn and 2second spawns to reduce premiture explosions and regulates a steady flow of missles with a few propane tanks on 6-15-30 second respawn to reduce predictability.


    Attacking the defenders base.

    for the gametag i'm thinking defenders have only shotguns and unlimited grenades in the base, attackers - swords/50% health and evade?

  2. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
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    I am just going to say that Bungie recieves no money what so ever for these maps, they put them out there and then Microsoft said they neede more than 4 trillion dollars and made you pay for these maps.
  3. torched frog

    torched frog Ancient
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    Bastards! i bet they spent the money hacking into sony
  4. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I tried to make a map on tempest once...The idea was this:

    It was in the skybox.

    There was a cannon (a funky green tempest cannon no less) on each base which flung you to the enemy base...This was inspired by a halo 3 map (forgot the name, the massive bridge one...Narrows?)

    After much head scratching on how to implement the laser into a competetive map, I thought of a way. Have the laser shooting through the centre on the cieling for aesthetics, but also have small holes every now and then, not only to let the laser through, but also to let jetpackers make the choice of taking a shortcut through these holes at the expense of their shields...

    Like narrows (I think?), there would be a bridge going across the map, but unlike it, there would also be a floor underneath it. So players could choose to go across the bridge or sneak under it.

    Each base had a shade turret which points both at the bridge and under the bridge.

    Sadly this map failed after I realised:

    I ran out of room, even more so since there were trees in the way.

    Tempest has no shade turrets. (WTF?!? Sorry, but I think bungie seriously fudged up there)

    I am currently remaking the map in forge world...Without the laser or funky cannons :(

    But with shades :)

    Anyway your map looks a lot better at using tempests forge options than mine did. As for making them fly futher...Maybe try cannons? (Funky green cannons that I can't have *sob* *sob*)
    #4 james 24993, Aug 3, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011
  5. torched frog

    torched frog Ancient
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    Someone soon is going to do somthing awsome with that lazer and we will all be head slapping :)

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