Sandbox Misery

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Doog Nit, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    oaky this map looks awesome it is another great example of the things that can be created on Sandbox.
    i like how you have created each base and i really like the little golf hole placement, it adds a very unique little touch.
    overall this map is very asthetically pleasing, it has nice interlocking to create a nice smooth feel to the overall map and again i love the golf flags!1
    this map is also very nicely constructed, with use of nice interlocking and other things.
    i shall definitaly download this map
  2. kingstick07

    kingstick07 Ancient
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    the greatest (so far) of all the maps i have seen of yours Doognit
    "That one dude you once saw fighting an invisible bird while sipping on Foldgers Coffee and eating Caribbean Seafood with your 11 year old nephew at the Greendale park 678 Tuesdays ago in the middle of November right after that flash flood in Vermont that was started by that guy who got arrested for throwing a piece of chicken at the priest who preaches at the Catholic Church of New Jersey a couple years prior. And his grandma's cookies. The chocolate chip ones not the oatmeal."
    #22 kingstick07, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  3. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    I hope that IF means you haven't played it yet. I thought the spawns/game play worked out pretty nicely. Obviously there are things to fix, but nothing huge. All in my opinion though. Thanks for the feedback man! If a British person thinks your map is good, then it is. That's my theory. :p And if you're not British, then I'm retarded. I assumed from the whole "mate" thing but I guess you don't have to be. Anyway thanks!

    Yea lol I figured the golf holes were some cool little aesthetic touches which would just make the map that much better. And judging by your comment I think I did a good job on them :D Thanks for the reply I'm happy to see you enjoyed the map's aesthetics.

    First off - Kyler. Color. Change it. lol.

    Second - Thanks I think it is my best as well. My other maps are cool n all, but this map incorporates competitive game play (What I believe is the hardest type of map) and aesthetics.

    And yea I put that little tidbit in there for you guys on the friend's list to get a quick laugh ahahah. Plus I was bored...........and hungry...what does that have to do with it? Absolutely nothing. And that's the beauty of it.

    P.S. Seriously change the color. At least a different shade of green.
  4. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    youve seriously made these maps in the time thgat theve come out

    well done

    great map the base and the lifts are realy good

  5. Jerdann

    Jerdann Ancient
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    Good map! had some great 4v4's on it.

    few problems though, at each base. You can grenade jump ontop of the man cannon lift door, and then jump onto the surrounding walls which you can then
    a) fall back onto the man cannon elbow and hide
    b) Grenade jump into the base indicator for some nice high ground
    c) run along the walls for some more high ground.

    Just letting you know that there are ways to the top of the map that give unfair vantage points if you know about them.

    4.5/5 for Map Design and the Fun Factor.

    Here are some picture links to the areas im talking about

    Ontop of the man cannon door - Halo 3 File Details

    On the wall - Halo 3 File Details

    In the base indicator - Halo 3 File Details
  6. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I played this with Shock, Lights and Orange. It was pretty fun, it is certainly a nice addition to your abundance of awesome maps.

    We found one possible flaw though, where the camouflage spawns, there is a man-cannon under it only for the first some odd minutes. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not but it really threw me off when I was trying to say it looked cool. Orange and I was looking for the camouflage but couldn't remember where it was because of this. It was pretty funny and entertaining but like I said, I'm not sure if it was intentional or not.

    Other than that, I really enjoyed the map. Well, the effects were a bit questionable...
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I really like what you did with the Golf Hole items and the Slit Wall as a floor to attack players beneath you before they come up the lift. The filter has to go though.

    Unique layout, creative ideas and use of items, fun gameplay. Good map.
  8. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Looks solid. I do see the point of having some railings to protect falling off- but really- that's one of the things I like about the sky bubble. If it's all close quarters though I can see how that might be more of an issue. I'll download and check it out. Looks well put together though. Every map I've been looking at has very nice merging, yours especially!
  9. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Doog Nit, I thought you had left for good. As of right now it looks to be a pretty epic sandbox map. This could award you your premium rank. Aestethically it is very impressive. One of the only maps so far to go through and interlock everything. the layout seems interesting too with the columns and cover. This is a good example of the floating maps that have become possible with the sky bubble. The way you have interlocked the red and blue columns is just revolutionary. I know that I will use this technique to distinguish between bases and once interlocking becomes standard again everybody else will too. The indoor section is a great edition. This map had plenty of flare o it but something needed to be added to spice it up.

  10. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    This map looks amazing! When I saw the first picture, I thought that this map took a lot of time. The details and the interlocking is top notch. This deserves a 5/5 and a download from me.
  11. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    I don't know if that first thing you said was a question or a statement so yea...but anyway thanks for the rating!

    Thanks man I knew you could get out, but not that easily. So I guess I was mistaken! I did fix those now so no need to worry about that. I'm sure people can still get to some high places, but not anywhere significant enough. Again, thanks - and thanks for spending the time to not only explain where, but illustrate by screenshots how to get out. Helped out big time.

    Yes the "Not spawned at start" items have been mentioned before and they are now fixed. Good eye though ;) Oh and no it wasn't intended lol. Since no one has commented positively on the effects, I removed them as well so no more needing to work on that lol. I'm happy to see you liked the map overall though. I don't know who those people are that you mentioned, but you can give them my thanks as well.

    Ahhh too many premiums! But seriously folks.....

    Anyway yea I enjoyed making those rings around the pipes they're in my opinion one of the best aesthetic touches in the entire map. The filter has now been removed since everyone said they messed up gameplay so no worries. Thanks for the review and I hope you're impressed by the few, meaningful changes I've made to v2 once I release it!

    Yea when ledges are mixed with close quarters combat, suicide is almost inevitable. I, however forgot to add them. Luckily I was reminded not too far after the 1st version was released. As for the comment about interlocking I do try to make everything even and as close to as perfect as possible so my OCD tendancies thank you.

    Hey sup ForgeGod - yea I took a huge break from Forging altogether since Foundry really started to get on my nerves and my patience bubble exploded. So now that Sandbox is out, my bubble and myself are back in action. [/metaphor] Now, as for the red and blue columns comment, I do believe a lot of people will do that as well since it does look pretty tight, but I am not sure I'm the discoverer of that. Might wanna look into it, but no matter the results, it was all my idea. So I'm glad you like it. I don't know what you mean when you say something should be added, an example would probably help, but lemme know about that as I'm pretty confused.

    Awesome man good feedback. I appreciate the 5/5 and the DL and I'm hoping to top this experience with my v2. So stay tuned. :)
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    After running through the map, I can say that you truly have created a great layout. My only real problem with the map is that I hit a few large speed bumps every now and again, which can be a bit distracting in game. I know there is one area near the exit of a tunnel where you use columns on the floor, and it causes a significant bump when walking over it.

    I think if you smoothed out the floor geometry a bit you could be on your way to premium.
  13. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Eheheh yea LightsOut pointed that one out too. The reason those are there were originally to be the edge of those areas, but I ended up connecting them to the middle part so they became unnecessary. The laziness got the better of me so I just left them there thinking no one would care, but I was obviously wrong. The v2 which I will be releasing today called Antiquity instead of Misery will fix this and any other problem which has been mentioned. Also a couple of my own.

    Thanks for checking out the map man. The fact you took time to look through it and actually play on it is great news to me. Hopefully the new version released today will be even better for ya.
  14. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Sorry to double post again. I just want to let everyone know that version 2 is up and running. I hope you guys like the improvements!
  15. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Best thus far.

    This has to be the best sandbox map I have seen thus far, I'm sure that never gets old hearing that. What I have been wondering is why there isn't any effort put into merging objects. This gives me the answer, I love detail, it means every thing in a good map and my friend you have it.
  16. ladiesman20007

    ladiesman20007 Ancient
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    I'm definately liking the ledges. I still have a problem with the front of the bases though. You can fall pretty easily when you are shooting someone and running backwords. But anyway fantastic map Doog.
  17. Dwarg91

    Dwarg91 Ancient
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    Personally I liked the way that the map looked when it had the filters on it. Create a misery version 2.0 and I will download
  18. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Oh trust me it never gets old :D

    And thank you for the good words I'm sorry to say I don't understand the part you said about merging, but I assume since the last statement was positive, it was meant as a compliment. So thank you for that. Any chance I could get an explanation as to what that meant? :) Sorry I'm slow.

    I know it's off-topic, but I love your Avalanche maps. Top notch quality.

    You would run backwards. Ahahah but yea I know there are always some imperfect fields to maps and although I would love to fix every one of them, it gets very tiring and tedious. The days of my patience has come to a slow speed. Hopefully my OCD tendencies will compensate for my lazy attitude in the future.

    I actually did as well. It gave it a certain "eerie" look to it. I figured since every forger who was featured said they should be removed, I should remove them. But they could be wrong. I might try this idea and see what I can come up with. Thanks for the tip. If I end up making a Misery v2, you'll be the first to know.
  19. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    This map looks terrific, when misery v1 came around I didnt bother dling because it looked a bit too messy around the flags and I don't like maps with effects on them, but this just has to be on my hard drive RIGHT NOW. The only problem I have with it is how hard the camo is to get. From the looks of the pictures you might have to jump onto the railing then jump over to the camo ledge. Other then that great map. 5/5
  20. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This is a map that you can only describe as... SeXcellence

    Very good job on the interlocking and layout of the map. It's very original, plays very well, and every aspect of aesthetics is stunning. Gret job and I hope to see many more sandbox maps from you in the future


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