I know this is a stupid question, but is there any way to do a flip in the game? I am going to go try now, but I just wanted to ask.
I think the only way is on the ground. When you're about to land, press LT. I doubt that's what you mean though. Also I found out how to do a backflip like that. press RB in the air and you should land on your back and flip over, not always though.
Hey guys, I learned a way to get sorta a "free roam" Here's how: 1- Go to Training 2- Complete it up until right before you mete Celeste 3- She will be on a building that has a slanted side. Land on this slide. (You can walk off the jump instead of jumping to prevent getting to close to her. 4-Instead of meeting her, turn to the right and jump onto the building below. (You may notice this is where it teaches you to use items as "spring boards" 5- On one part there is a plank sticking out, use that to jump onto another plank. 6- You will immediately see a building. IF you get on top, You can use 2 skinny pipes to get to the part with the red door. (This building is right before you learn to coil up when jumping over the wire.) Now you can roam. Though only around the course and few areas. Note: You Don't Have to go to the door part. IF you die you restart to before you meet Celeste. Happy Roaming!