I don't plan to fall off buildings anytime soon, so yeah. You need to be really fit to be able to do a lot of the stuff.
Well, like I always say; "No one knows a cat better than a cat." So do what you think is best. Have fun learning, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So try falling off a building at one point.
Personally I think its a pretty good game but too short to buy and keep. I think it is a better game to just go and rent. The campaign doesnt have too much replay value though in my opinion. Now if the game was like a free roaming sandbox game with the awesome stunts that she pulls off, I might of actually bought it. I will rent the game however one day.
What would have made this game really awesome could been some cool multiplayer action where players can race each other on the rooftop environments. They would have to find their own shortcuts and stuff. Or a cool co-op mode, the one like Splinter Cell, but only more fast-paced...
I'm not sure you get what I'm saying. Parkour is not something you can jump right into. If I screwed up, I could get seriously hurt. That's why I would need to train for it.
No, I was wondering how you got the idea of me saying you need to study with books and crap. As for me, I would just jump right in. I've lived through worse, so I don't think falling off a building would really hurt me. I know exactly what you're saying, I'm explaining it in a different dialouge though.
Hi. I downloaded the demo and honestly didn't like it. Maybe it is because i don't like those type of games. I've heard the story mode is really short so it probably isn't worth buying.
It seems a good original idea, but after a good half hour on it it gave me a ****ing headache Plus i was trying to somersault down my stairs...