Mirror's Edge - A must have!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shihuru, Nov 8, 2008.

  1. KB

    KB Ancient
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    I saw some gameplay of this on Youtube yesterday and wow it looks so epic. The graphics are phenomenal and the First person view has never been done as nicely as they did Mirror's Edge.

    I'm considering getting it although I don't know when... I may just rent it because I have an unlimited game rental card at Blockbuster
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I know that they say guns are not important, but they are really helpful sometimes. Espically a sniper rifle when you are under sniper fire.
  3. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    My friend downloaded the demo for this game and offered me to try it....and I turned it down to play some Halo 3. What the f**k was I thinking?
  4. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Im gettin this tomorrow for sure! I skated 4 miles to gamestop yesterday thnkin it was 54$ since I checked on the interwebs but then when i got there it was 64 and i dint bring enuff money 8 mile trip for nothing... lol
  5. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    My first impression: OMG I FINALLY RENTED IT
    Second: Whoa, I hate it.
    Third: Okay, I love it again.

    My conclusion: this year's mass effect. Very over-hyped, but I still like it... except more that mass effect.
  6. TheGreatPUDDING

    TheGreatPUDDING Ancient
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    Great game,but a bit short.
  7. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I enjoy Mirror's Edge immensely. Leaping off a building, flipping around, and throwin' up the bird is one of the best feelings in the game lol. And Mario-ing the **** out of people lol. The game plays very well, and the beauty of it is that there are always multiple routs to where you need to be, so you can play through the game many times and never take the same path. One of the best things I like about it are that you don't EVER need to fire a gun. My first playthrough I didn't even pick up a weapon aside from the one you get in the tutorial stage. Now I'm going through again playing as a sort of FPS. Very different experience.

    I only have three gripes about the game. One is that occasionally when you're too close to an edge and you try and jump off the game won't read your controller input in time and make you go splat on the pavement, or just have to climb up and keep trying.

    The second is the difficulty. Often times you'll find yourself playing through the same section many times in order to try and figure it out.

    Lastly, sometimes the game doesn't tell you where you need to be. Usually, you can hold B and it will point you in the right direction if you get turned around, but sometimes it doesn't work.

    Overall, a very solid and amazing game that reminded me how fun it was playing the Chronicles of Riddick game back on xbox 1. Definitely worth picking up, and playing through many times.
  8. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    The demo was great but WAY too short .. :/
    Im very tempted to get the game but is it the same all the way through?
  9. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    The flow of the gameplay is amazing! I still have not gotten it, but the demo was kickass. I tried turning runner's vision off, and it felt so natural (lol) and I discovered a couple different ways of doing things...

    Racing eachother on rooftops does sound pretty sweet in a time trial. It would really change the way you complete levels...
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I got it the game was great but it is extremely short. Though, you can replay it and do time trials and it dosen't really get old.
  11. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    That's what's really good about these types of games. No matter how much you play it and replay it, they never get old.
  12. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    I thought the time trials weren't enough to keep me coming back...
  13. MatUK.8

    MatUK.8 Ancient
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    The review on IGN said it was real short and there is no competitive multiplayer. I am not even gonna spend the money to rent it. I have way to many other new games that I can better spend my time and money on.
  14. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I still think the game brings something new to the table. Its very unique and innovative. Even if the game is hort, i'd still buy it for the fact of it's uniqueness...
  15. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Some DLC would be nice. I'm pretty sure there will be some. Levels where all you do is deliver packages would be cool. I say play the demo then buy or rent based on reaction.
  16. KB

    KB Ancient
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    I plan on renting it because it sounds like it has a short story line... It seems pretty amazing other than that though
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    The demo was extremely satisfying so I bought the game. AND NOW I CRAVE THE GAME, even though I beat the campaign in no time flat.
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    inorite I beat it in like 6hrs. I keep playin it though doing the same thing over and over. it r fun
  19. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    They are planning on creating a trilogy based on the games story, so i guess that mean we're going to be getting more Mirror's Edge later on in the future. The game and story seems very interesting. If i had money, i would have bought it today, you know since its black friday...

    P.S. I just beat Mass Effect about an hour ago. That game was brilliant, i just loved it. The story was amazing. Thats what i like about games, the storyline, i could give a rats ass about graphics (gameplay still counts), just as long the story is good. I've heard Bioware is thing about turning Mass Effect into a trilogy. So not only will ME2 will be coming out, so will a ME3...
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It's a neat little gimmick game. I wouldn't buy the next one, but it's great to play as it is. Plus, I wanted to get into some free running already, so now is the best time to convince my friend to teach me.

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