For those who haven't played it before, a summary of what this map is all about can be located right here: Download Link Mirror v2 Now for the changes: Major Changes: - 4 new staircases have been added, 2 in each base. The lower staircase for each base is used to gain easy access to the base roof while the upper staircase is used to reach the now more accessible "T" intersection. - Both bases are now interlocked and any gaps that were there before have been eliminated. - Shield doors for the front door of each base have been removed due to the fact that the new upper staircase on each base plugged up the hole that attackers could drop in. The fusion coils still remain however. - Garage area has been remodeled and is a bit narrower due to the addition of the lower staircase. The needler and respawn points were moved a couple feet. Minor changes - Grenades on map have been slightly reduced. - Battle Rifles on each base has been reduced from 4 to 3. - 1 Assault Rifle can be found on each base. - Sniper Rifle has 1 spare clip instead of 2. - Battle Rifle on centerline has been replaced with an Assault Rifle. - Shotgun alley has been slightly widened. - Overshield room is slightly smaller due to interlocking. - Respawn timers on rifles has been set to 60 seconds. - Wire spool inside the base enterance has been moved to the back corner. - Respawn point that was on the garage roof is now moved facing the staircase. - A few more respawn points has been added on each base roof. Before and after pics Red Base Before After Centerline Before After
I posted on the last version. I guess it's just a coincidence I happen to come online when you post v2. Hmmm. I don't really see a lot of interlocking added, which was a main issue of the first one. I'm glad you got rid of that roofing issue with it not being smooth, but you still did nothing about that fence wall. Why is there only one fusion coil in the new picture? You got rid of the shield doors, which is a plus, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot changed. If you ask me, you just wanted to get more downloads so you changed a couple things and reposted. Oh, and another thing. You didn't straighten the bridge. It's off to the left a few feet. Take a little more time into your maps, because so far, it looks like this could take me 10, 15 minutes tops to make.
i never saw any difference between the two, so i dont know what to say...other than that looks ok, i might give her a shot and check it out
Wow looks good nice interlocking spawn love the before and after pics =p ahah looks fun but i think there should be more cover?
Hmmm. I don't really see a lot of interlocking added, which was a main issue of the first one. You would have to look at the bases and higher levels where the interlocking is noticeable. Then again I'm not making the maps for looks, but if it plays well. If interlocking helps with that, then I will do it. I'm glad you got rid of that roofing issue with it not being smooth, but you still did nothing about that fence wall. The fence wall on the bottom is the outer wall of the base and is there to split the turret tent and the base. Why is there only one fusion coil in the new picture? There's only one fusion coil in the picture because I took a snapshot a few seconds after blowing it up with the rocket launcher (you can see me walking across the bridge). My bad on that one. You got rid of the shield doors, which is a plus, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot changed. If I changed it too much, it would be a completely new map now wouldn't it? Everytime I re-release a map, it's to fix problems that people complained about. The main issues was there was a lack of getting to the higher levels and the base having bumps due to the lack of interlocking. Those issues have been fixed. Once again I didn't make this map for the sole purpose of it looking pretty, this is a foundry map were talking about. If you ask me, you just wanted to get more downloads so you changed a couple things and reposted. Oh, and another thing. You didn't straighten the bridge. It's off to the left a few feet. Take a little more time into your maps, because so far, it looks like this could take me 10, 15 minutes tops to make. I really don't give a **** about e-fame or having the intention of my map on the main page of this website as most users here do. All I wanted to do is post my map on here and have people play it, that's it. Whatever happens from there happens. Hell I'm not really playing Halo 3 much anymore so it's not like I can spend all day doing an elaborate map nor do I have the patience for one due to forge's limitations. I know my projects will not please everyone nor do I expect them to, but your claim about doing this in 15 minutes is not good feedback. I don't care how skilled you are at forging, I just wanted to know what could need improvement, and up until this quote I respected your opinion. Now I could care less about what you have to say. As a matter of fact, go **** yourself.