I am loving the invention of photoshop, and graphics itself. I have loved the way you can customize and create whatever you would like, as a form of art, on the computer. I have been introduced to graphics by no other than Kitsune, who has inspired me through his work. More importantly, his Gears of War popout signature, that had been a winner of SOTW about a year ago. I started to make signatures in photoshop after that, and failed miserably, which made me quit graphics for a few months. About a few months after I had quit, I noticed FragMan's marvelous Signature School Thread, which got me really excited. I quickly ran into Juggernaut448, so after I became interested in graphics again. With Juggernaut488's knowledge, determination, and patience, he was able to teach me how to make simple signature in Photoshop CS4. After I learned his basic technique, I practiced it by creating few signatures. Later, I learned that I don't have to rely on Juggernaut448 to make signatures, so I looked up some tutorials and practiced them for a while. And now, I am still continuing to learn and am determined to become a good graphic artist. Hopefully, my journey so far can inspire you to do the same. My Work: Before Any Help: Spoiler After Learning Juggernaut448's basic technique: Spoiler Current Style (Learned from several Tutorials): Spoiler Large Art: Spoiler Youtube Background Click Here!
Never new so much about your journey through graphics! hopefully i'll be able to become as supre ushum at Graphics as you are
youve abviously grown in skill over the time.. The jump from your old sigs to juggernuats teachings was awesome. I just wish you could teach me your ways in CS4
Hmmm... I'm not a huge fan of you're current work but when you were using juggernauts style it seemed to work well... Idk. You've definetly improved so far.
You're definitely getting better at this. My journey has been about... 5 years since I was 10* years old, my attention span just started growing like 2 years ago so my style is really bad up until then. ***I said 11 I meant 10***
Your attention span is still only like an hour...Anway, you've definatly shown improvement over the 2 months you've been doing this.
Which reminds me, you've been doing signatures for almost as long as me. I've been at it for three months. So yea, you are doing a great job.
LOL LMFAO BTW Miraj you should use only defaults in your program, do what I do, I never use C4D's or downloaded things no lie .
Another statement that declares "never use." You know, you guys are supposed to be excellent at this. Isn't the famous phrase for art is "explore with your creations?" And if you're right Hells, don't you think you should never use stocks or renders either?
I made my first signature in February, and this is August so I am only at 7 months. You can round up to 8 since it is almost September... Yup, Knight, you were my inspiration, after seeing you win the SOTW with that gears of war pop-out signature.
meh... this is a very old thread. I think I have some better ones now... If you started same time as me, you improved more then I did, LAXER. . I actually don't see as much improvement from me... I am more of a Web Graphics than Signatures, in my opinion.