Hey, so I am a guy who loves to forge, maybe not as hardcore as most of the people here, but ever since Halo 3 came out I have been making maps for fun, and mostly, for myself. I am also a guy who sits at his desk and says stuff about Halo into a camera once or twice a week, and then puts the resulting mish-mash of talk and buffoonery up on the Tubes of You for all to see. However I dont think anyone wants to hear about that, so lets get back to Forge... Why did I join up here? Well I was speaking with the venerable Black Theorem on Skype about this place and I realized that I had lurked here a lot but never made an account. I suppose it was mostly out of laziness, and more than likely the ever daunting risk that if I posted a map and it was met with harsh criticism my ego would not survive the bruising. However it seems that, for now, I have over come that particular part of me and taken the plunge onto these forums. I look forward to meeting and talking with you, and maybe even sharing/testing/playing/breaking a few of my maps with you all. See you on the internet!
Why hello.im waterfall and welcome to the community.got a question for you. Are you that guy with all the awesome mugs? Anyways if you need help with a build or play testing just contact me because if I have the time I will always get on reach for testing!
Thanks for the welcome, and to answer your question yes I am the guy with all the awesome mugs... Hope to see you around, I am still getting the lay of the land here but I think I may be submitting a map to play test tomorrow some time.
Heeeeeeeeeey, you made an account! Awesome! Welcome to the Hub of Forge, where we post maps. And other stuff, of course. Ask in the shoutbox or on colored members profiles about posting your maps. And other stuff. lol
Welcome man! I'm subscribed to Ready Up Live, I like what you guys do. Greenskull is a talented fellow, you should get him to sign up too. Anyhow, you'll make a great addition to the Hub!
I would love to be in that mug... Anyway Minolta, welcome to our home. I am Mocha, Halo 4 is coming pretty soon so the maps and forge are something to look forward to. Enjoy your stay!