yeah i really injoyed playing epicenter in the tgif although i wouldnt really call it a mini game i really is more casual or even competitive (depending on the numbskulls you play with___ ps how do you find these maps to play do you just go through the list and look at them or do you get recomendations from people
angeryz omg ive been waiting 1 week for 2 minigame maps that have already been featured and 1 tht looks decent in my opinion:squirrel_nono:
Mini-game map packs are always fun. This one is excellent, with each map having a great structure, unique idea, and tons of fun. It's funny how I've already downloaded them...
i love the first minigame map. i probably wouldnt play on it but it looks so cool. great job on the covenant ship it definitely deserves a 5/5 for aesthetics. very well built
I havent tried Teamwerks or Ghost busters but TBH I thought Epicenter was already featured, lol. They all definately seem feature worthy, this feature was not a disappointment.
Teamworks and epicenter have been aound for a while i mean ive played epicenter on loads of tgifs but the ghost level ive never seen before and it does look like fun!
lol matty has been premium for quite some time now.. he was one of the firsts what are you smoking? aaaaaaanyways, great feature guys. All 3 are real quality games. Its hard to beat teamwerks in terms of mini-games, real hard. oh yeh, and Team A.E.S.F. FTW!!!
Actually, it was TrueDarkFusion who discussed the downfall of the mini-game. Also, i do not see how epicenter is a minigame map. If it is a "tactical map" then it should be categorized as a competative map.
lololol, you're new then aren't you <3 aestitic? lulz, aesthetic. Anyways, you are wrong, there were a few such as: Gridlocked Coldfront Temple Nights and hell, 2 more for ya: Jedwali Hangar 02 I beg to differ. With my above post. Is he? sadfaic.
wow nicely done on that last map how it looks like a cool arena i'm still not too sure how the gamethype goes but i guess i'll have to try it out first. also all of the locking on all of the maps, just looks professionally done. congrats on being featured
Wow three of my favorite minigames just got featured. Personally I think these may be the three best minigames made since the DLC started giving us immovable objects. (As TDF said.) I've rated them all 5/5 and reccomend them all for download. If you have ever played on it, you'd realize that it should be a minigame. (Try it out it's an excellent minigame.)
PREACH IT BROTHER!!!! I totally agree! These maps are possibly the best mini games ever! Epicenter was loads of fun for me and could not stop playing it with my friends! I will try the other two but right now my 360 is in oregon (RROD :[) Great choices Gravdigger!
I've played Epicenter and Teamwerks Arena but have yet to play Ghostbusters, and I can say that the ones I've played are very fun and definitely feature worthy. Just watched that Epicenter video, didn't realize I was gonna be in it! ....Atleast I think that was me on the back of the Warthog (who else has just a circle for their emblem?), that video was really well done so kudos to Chron.
all of these map look quite good and worthy of the feature. i really like epicenter though for its aesthetics. the other maps look cool in other ways. like ghoust busters discription and how you can't beat down and the score traits in teamworks areana. great job!