Two My knowledge Sqorck & buddhacrane now has Premiz, Great job both of you. I played Rockwall when it came out, same with UNSC Range. I might try the puzzle later tho. Over all I cant what for the next mini-game map pack.
Budha crane, congratz on premium I love the rock wall, I played on the shooting range (meh, I'm not in love with it) and the puzzle map looks good, but I hate all puzzles...
Yeah Sqorck!! I love this your map, but I never thought it would get featured! Congrats. *hugs* I haven't played the other two before. . . but I've heard of the first one. So congrats for them too I guess.
I must say I am shocked, amazed and extremely grateful to be a part of the minigame feature. I never expected a puzzle map to get featured in the map pack (certainly not mine) Puzzle maps are not for everyone so I understand if you don't like them, but my puzzle maps are very unique compared to any other puzzle map you've ever played. I can garentuee that you will find it difficult and you will learn things about Halo you never realised. I designed it to challenge the most experienced puzzle players out there, because they, like me, find most other puzzle maps, boring, repetitive and predictable. You WILL need the hints in my original thread and you will probably have to resort to the walkthrough video. Note however that I do know a handful of people that have completed my puzzle maps without any assistance whatsoever. So if you think that "no one could ever solve this normally", then you're wrong, people have. The other two mini-games look really cool. I like the diversity of minigame selection in this feature, each map has something for different people's tastes. What's premium?
First of all monkey, isn't pope papacy not a minigame? Also for the next time there is a minigame mappack, I'd recommend Torpedo Jumpers, it's really original and lots of fun.
Kinda owned me there, I just played it . :squirrel_rocking: I have to agree with you its pretty revoloutionary to say the least. Definatly worth the ever famous, almighty front page of stardom.
Buddahcrane's puzzle maps are very impressive. I played his other puzzle map Hell on Earth, and I can say it took me a very, very long time to complete. It was well worth it though, because I learned an incredible amount about Halo that I never knew before. Devinish's shooting range map is simply outstanding. I would recommend not playing with a friend, mainly because lag can make the last task difficult. I was lucky enough to be given a personal tour of the map by Devinish, and it was brilliantly crafted. That man knows the spawn system. Rock Wall looks like a lot of fun. I'll have to run through it sometime soon.
grats guys on the feature, and now i think that im going to dl these maps and check them out, even though im out of room on my hard drive, i will still download them
I'm glad you took the time to play them, as we have put a great deal of time into building them. I put at least 100 hours into mine, two months from concept to finish. But a map, and a guide to respawns came out of it, so I think it was a successful endeavor.
i love budas puzzles there are freaking awsome. ive completed all of them on my own and i've got to say if you want a challenge reoncarnation or hell on earth are his best ones. (the ezest one is spartan coarse for those who are noooobs )
I REMEMBER RE ON CARNATION! I got booted halfway through cause I was betraying everyone and moving ****
The climbing wall is an increadiby origional idea and i like that but my favorite is the puzzle map because i love puzzle maps and this one is different because you must kill yourself!